Chapter 1: My life

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"Good morning Dr. Hong," Joshua gave a small smile and bowed back at the nurse who greeted him. He was on his daily round around the patient ward.

"Shua hyung," a bright voice called him.

"Shh... seokmin, don't shout," Joshua shushed him as they were near the wards. Seokmin was an energetic nurse at the pediatric department. Joshua met him during his residency program and it's has been a year since then and their friendship is still going on strong.

"How was your holiday?" Seokmin asked. He looked refreshed and bright compared to the last time he saw him. The three day's holiday of new year must have been great for him unlike his.

"It was okay... but you look good. Must have enjoyed your break,"

"Yup... Soonyoung took me to Japan for the holiday. It was great," he said with a red flush on his cheek.

Joshua ruffled Seokmin hair lovingly. "I guess Soonyoung is treating you very well," Shua said smiling. Seokmin excused himself as he got a call.

"Hi Hanji," Joshua approached the young patient.

"Dr. Hong," the child sat up from her bed. "How are you?" Joshua asked checking her records. "Good," she said and Joshua looked at her mom, "She was able to sleep yesterday and also ate breakfast properly Dr.Hong," her mother informed.

"Good... please inform us if there is any problem. Her surgery will be done tomorrow by Prof. Kim," Joshua informed. Joshua smiled softly and turned to the child who was tugging the end of his coat.

"What's wrong Hanji?"

"Will it hurt?" She asked scared but Joshua found it cute. "Not at all Hanji. It's more like a sleepytime spell; you'll drift off, and when you wake up, it'll be all better," Shua explained softly.

"Promise?" She said raising her pinky finger, Shua smiled and joined her pinky finger with his own, "Promise."

"Hi hyung," Seokmin greeted him as soon as he entered their lounge. He passed him the burger they ordered. Joshua thanked him and sat on the chair heaving a sigh, he was tired and it was just 12:00pm.

"You okay?" Jun asked. Joshua gave him a small smile and nodded at his friend.

Jun was his friend from college, they studied together at the same medical school and have applied at the same hospital for residency program, except now they decided to join in different departments. Joshua joined CS(cardiac) and Jun joined GS (General) but they do often meet during breaks and weekends along with their other friends.

"I thought you would be well rested.. you know... after the holidays, but you look exactly the same... did you even rest?" Jun asked sternly.

"Yup..." he laughed nervously when Jun glared at him. "I was helping in the clinic with my uncle," Joshua said laughing nervously and flinched when Jun began to scold him, "Why do you even do that? We only get few days holiday and you decide to sacrifice it by volunteering?"

"Sorry... I was home at the first day but it was too boring," Joshua said pouting.

Jun softened at the pout and sighed, "You don't have to say sorry and I am sorry too ... I was just worried," and Joshua nodded feeling guilty. The tension remained between them, he knows Jun is worried about him and was always very protective of him and he thanks god for sending him for someone like Joshua.

"You two are such sweet friends worrying for each other," Seokmin said in an effort to lighten the mood and as expected the two of them broke into small smiles. They remained silent for a while eating, after all they don't have time to have long chats.

"Maybe it's time for you to date someone," Jun said.

"What do you mean?"

"It means exactly what you heard. Date someone so that you wouldn't feel lonely," Jun said, Joshua opened his mouth to say something but Seokmin beat him to it.

"I think so too hyung... you need someone to accompany you during the holidays and your whole life," Seokmin added and Joshua shook his head, "I am not interested in anyone and you two know that I am not ready to date anyone."

"I know but you would end up alone at last and I am freaking worried about that," Jun said as a matter of fact.

"I-" they were disturbed by the call ringtone of his phone.

"I must go... see you later," Joshua said and ran as fast as he could because there was an emergency.

At the end of the day, Joshua changed his clothes and went out ready to clock out. "Bye Mrs. Yu," he said to the nurse who was on the front desk.

He stood in front of the hospital staring at the sky. "Joshua?" Joshua flinched in surprise and turned around and quickly bowed to his Senior Professor Kim.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Oh nothing I was about to go home," he answered. Joshua was about to leave when the man held his wrist and Joshua stared at him, the young professor let his hand go muttering an apology.

"Is there something wrong?"

"No... I just wanted to ask if you were free tomorrow?"

"I am afraid not... I have two surgeries tomorrow. Why?"

"No I was just asking..." professor Kim paused for a while and said, "Do you want me to drive you home?"

Joshua blinked at him and quickly shook his head, "Thank you for offering but my house isn't that far so it's okay. You should go home and rest."

"Okay then... see you tomorrow Shua," the elder said and Joshua bowed again and went on his way.

He walked to the nearest bus stop. He lied when he said his apartment was near, it was an hour away from the hospital.

He had a car but it was borrowed by his cousin and it has been awhile since he last went in a bus. He got into the bus, he stared at a particular seat at the left side of the bus. He wobbled when the bus started to move, he sighed and went to the last back window seat.

The bus wasn't crowded like he expected it to be. Maybe it was because of the holiday. He leaned on the window pane staring at the passing scenery, looking at the traffic lights as the bus moved steadily along the usual route.

He plugged in his earphone listening to music on a random playlist in Spotify. The rain started pouring, it started as small drizzle when Joshua was coming out from the hospital and now it was pouring outside, but no matter how strong the rain was it always brought a feeling of calmness to him making him smile.

He turned up the volume and his heart raced up by few bpm at the intro of this particular song. Why wouldn't he? This same song was the start of something very beautiful that has ever happened in his life. He used to like this song so much that he used to listen to it in loop. However, now, he dreads hearing it. It brought so many memories that hurts him but he somehow wasn't able to tap the skip button, so he let his mind wonder and touch the beautiful yet aching past of his life.

"Baby I am falling..."

A/n: the first chapter✨ I hope it was interesting.

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