Slenderman: Stan Lee once said "With great power, comes great responsibility". Meaning that if anyone has Superpowers, then you have two choices. One is using them for good and save the World from Evil with your Friends to help make a Huge Difference.
Omega: And the other is just not giving a shit about the Power of Friendship and just trying to live a normal life knowing your the most powerful guy on the planet.
Slenderman: Like Mob, your Ordinary Psychic Warrior who's trying to fit in.
Omega: And Deku, My Hero Academia's Super-Student straight from U.A High.
Omega: He's Slendy and I'm Omega!
Slenderman: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skill to see who will win... a Death Battle.
Slenderman: As a citizen of Seasoning City, you would probably be familiar with the local criminal group Claw.
Omega: Maybe even the famous sex symbol and so-called "greatest psychic of the century", Reigen.
Slenderman: But you probably wouldn't think twice about this plain-looking boy with a bowl cut, Shigeo Kageyama.
- Real Name: Shigeo Kageyama
- Height: 157 cm | 5'1"
- Weight: 44.3 kg | 98 lbs
- Age: 14 years
- Alias: Mob, White T-Poison
- Attends Salt Middle School
- Member of the Body Improvement Club
- Favourite food: Takoyaki, milk, & ramen
- Favourite hobby: Watching the skyOmega: Long story short, he's a pretty unremarkable student of Salt Middle School. He's the kid ya pick last for dodgeball, and he's just sorta there, takin' up space and stealin' your air.
Slenderman: The kanji in his name can even be misread as "Mob", which means bland and boring.
Omega: Naturally, everybody calls him that.
Slenderman: So you might be surprised to learn that he accidentally took over a local gang, unintentionally founded his own cult, and is an incredibly powerful psychic warrior.
Omega: Don't get it mixed up. This isn't your typical superhero secret identity shenanigans. Mob doesn't really give a shit about any of these things. He's just out there trying to fit in by joining the Body Improvement Club, which he... sucks horribly at.
Slenderman: Still, when his life is in danger or his friends need protecting, Mob's psychic ability manifests as something truly phenomenal.
Omega: He's mega-powerful. He might not be able to run a mile without fainting, but he totally can if he boosts his body psychically. He can fly through the air, fling objects all over the place, throw psychic energy attacks, lift giant buildings, cause city-spanning earthquakes, whip up huge twisters, and more.
Esper Powers
- Telekinesis & flight
- Energy absorption
- Energy transference
- Spiritual awareness
- Astral projection
- Chlorokinesis
- Energy barriers
- Mind control resistanceSlenderman: He's not just an offensive powerhouse; he can mold his psychic energy around his body as a shield. While this isn't an uncommon technique in Mob's world, it's incredibly useful for him in particular, as he's one of the few psychics who can attack and defend simultaneously.
FanfictionI'm Omega! You probably heard from me after I killed my buddy, Zjohnson231. But anyways, it's Me and my best pal Slenderman's Job to analyze Culture's most Deadliest Characters to see who would win... A DEATH BATTLE!!!