Chapter 8

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(Uhm this may be wrong from what has been happening- its been like a month since i have done chapter 7. I think its chapter 7? Idk. Anyways enjoy ig)

Canada sat in the drivers seat, already tired from Russia and America arguing. He had already turned up the radio and didn't know how else to shut them up. He suddenly got the idea to go extremely fast then stomp on the brakes. And thats what he did, he started going faster.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE U DOING?! THE LIMIT IS 20 AND UR GOING 40!" Russia yelled. When suddenly Canada slammed on the brakes. America and Russia yelled. Well.. America's "yell" was more of an 8 year old girl screaming. After they finished screaming Russia and America sat there panting while Canada casually drove like nothing had happened.


"Good." Canada said with zero emotion. Finally, they reached the bowling alley and America groaned. Canada shut him up, and Russia grabbed him forearm, squeezed it extremely hard and pulled him into the bowling alley. America yelped in pain Russia didn't care and squeezed harder. Canada got their lane, shoes, and ball.

"Ow I think you left a mark stupid Russian!" America yelped. He was being dramatic like always. All he ever does is brag and brag. So annoying.. Russia thought as he let go of him.

"Uh.. okay you guys get the names on the board and imma go grab some pop for us!" Canada said while slowly backing away from the two of them.

"Pop?! You sound just like UK!" America gasped. He hated the word pop. ITS SODA NOT POP STUPID FUCKING CANADIANS AND BRITISH PEOPLE! (Im Canadian and British I can say this itz okay☺️)

"But thats just how I say so-a-da? Soafa? Soda. Yeah soda thats how you say it, eh?" Canada asked laughing he could see America getting pissed off at his pronunciation of soda. Canada walked off to get the pop.

"Why do you make such a big deal about a word. You do know that some of your kids call soda pop, right?" Russia asked actually wondering if he knew. He's dumb, what does he know?

"I know and they're wrong for that." America huffed. "And since when do you know about my kids?!" America yelled. Russia didn't even know about his kids until a few days ago!

"I do my research." Russia shrugged. Creepy. America thought, suddenly Canada came back with three pops and gave them out to the individuals. (WoH big word) They all drank their pop and started bowling a few rounds. So far Russia was in the lead with 20.

"Russia has strong arms this is so not fair." America huffed. Russia rolled his eyes and Canada laughed. America suddenly gasps.

"THEY HAVE ARCADE HERE!!" America yelled and stood up on the chair pointing to the arcade. Russia and Canada were embarrassed as fuck. Everyone in the bowling alley was staring at them. Canada suddenly grabbed America and pulled him down.

"Remember what we talked about?!" Canada whispers, America groans. It was America's turn no one went. America was distracted. Canada tried getting him to go. America eventually got up and played his turn. Two gutterballs.

"I QUIT!!! THIS GAME SUCKS!" America yelled, causing another scene. Canada grabs Americas hand and pulls him to the table and starts whisper yelling at him to stop causing scenes.

"You do this all the time America! Everywhere we go you cause a fucking scene! Im so tired of it I swear America. Im your younger brother you should be parenting me! Not me parenting you! You can't even pull yourself together even though you have fucking 53 kids! 53 KIDS! Im so tired of you." Canada huffed and walked to the bathroom.

America sat in his chair when Russia came up to him.

"Awh poor America! Cant take care of himself. How pathetic." Russia laughs. America walks off to the arcade and starts playing a couple games when Canada calls his name. He walked out the arcade and followed Canada and Russia to the door. They were laughing and joking. When did they start getting along so well? America thought. They got to the car, this time America didn't even try to sit in the front, he sat in the back while the two got in the front. Still laughing and talking.

(America is sad lolz😍😍)

A trip.. 😦(RusAme)Where stories live. Discover now