
186 4 6

1 @2ANAURASHAFIYYAANUGER - do you like writing rusame

i love writing rusame for yall its literally one of my favorite things to do <3

2  @acountryhumansfan6 - who did u simp for as a kid

jon from garfield... (pls tell me im not the only one..)

3 @lemo_Light - whats ur favorite animal

CATS :33

Whats ur fave color

im boutta be real basic... pink and sage green

whats ur favorite CoD character

ghost >_<

4 @Iakatat - whats ur favorite country

idk prolly mexico or germany

favorite state in the US

tennessee fr (def not biased)

what state/country were u born in


what grade are u in

8th going to 9th (ik im young 😞)

do u like writing and have you ever thought of being a real published author

i hate writing sm. but writing this story was acc so much fun and ive thought about being a real publushed author a little bit but i dont think i would actually do it i would quit fr

ty for ppl who asked questions i rly appreciate it <3

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