Percy Brook

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"Your cute" A voice hummed from behind Percy.

Percy turned around to the man who was speaking, putting a hand over his chest while smiling giddily. "who, muah?" He tilted his head, inspecting the others face. he had pale skin, light grey eyes and black hair with a dyed streak of blue.

"mhm, you pinkie" he cooed, lifting his hand to gently twirl percys pink curls in-between his fingers "What's your name?"

"Percy Darling Valentine" Percy hummed, leaning into the touch like an affectionate dog and closing his eyes as he smiled blissfully at the stranger.

"Percy Darling?" He repeated in amusement, "that's adorable, your parents have good taste in names"

"they are big romantics, thought the name would be cute." Percy explained with a hum.

"Well darling, its nothing as spectacular as yours- but my name is Brook."

"oh, Brook! Christians friend?" Percy asked, perking up and looking at him curiously

"how do you know Chris?" Brook inquired

"we've hung out once or twice, his ex is my friend so.."

"ah, which one?"

"y'know Damien?"

"the British one?" Brook said with a smirk, "I always thought he was kinda cute, is he single still? not that I'd want Chris sloppy seconds, but.."

"He's dating someone else now" Percy shrugged,, "Some Rowan kid he met at a party"

"what, the ginger?"

"yeah, the smaller one"

"isn't he in highschool?


"so, Damiens.." Brook Gave a look

"You can't really judge him, not when your friend was dating a sixteen year old." Percy deadpanned, folding his arms.

"I wasn't judging.." Brook put his hands up in defense

Percys expression shifted back into a smile "good, because Damien is my best friend and if your gonna judge him then we can't be buddy's"

"ah, now that would be very unfortunate -" Brook chuckled, "I would really like to be your 'buddy', and maybe-" he shrugged "how old are you?"

"..." Percy thought it over for a moment "18"

"18? seriously? you look-"

"nope!" he chirped "18! I just got a young face"

"pfft, okay well.. Are you single?"

"I happen to be, yes" Percy hummed, trying to restrain himself from smiling too hard.

"so, would you let me take you out?" Brook offered, offering his hand again.

Percy looked at it for several seconds before slowly reaching to grasp it, giving Brook a warm smile and nodding. "Ditching this party for a hot guy was on my list of to do things anyways"

"Mhm, sure it was darling- let's go, shall we?"

"we shall!" percy cooed, dragging him along without waiting. he was far to excited to even ask where they'd be going

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