luci (wip)

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Luci smiled at his friends, chuckling in amusement as they joked and shoved eachother around.

"Hey handsome, what's your name?" a voice said in the background, but Luci didn't turn around to face it, instead staying focused on his group of friends.

"Luci! she's talking to you!" one of them suddenly whispered, shoving him backwards.

"woah, wha-"
Luci swung around and stared at the taller woman, gulping nervously. she was a senior, popular, pretty, her name was-

"I'm Veronica, your Lucifer, right? sexy name"

"call me Luci" he laughed akwardly, offering our his hand with a nervous smile.

"luci? cute. you don't got a girlfriend, do you?"

was she messing with him? Luci couldn't tell- she was so popular, and he was just.. some lame ass freshmen. his only claim to fame was that his older cousin was some big popular guy. but most people didn't care about that, they didn't even know they were related. was it possible she was trying to get to his cousin? what in the world could someone like her want with someone like him?
"I don't, I'm not really.."

"ah, your single? that's good." she cooed, leaning in close to him with a smirk. "your really cute, y'know?"

"thank you-" he ignored his friends giggles and whispers as he tried to stand more confidently "your very pretty"

"ever had a girlfriend? or boyfriend... wait, your not gay are you?" she furrowed her eyebrows and stared down at him.

"ah, no- I mean,, I don't know? I've never been interested in anyone" he muttered quietly, shrugging his shoulders

"so, are you interested in me?" she purrs, poking his chest with a smirk.

"your-" he blushes, glancing away "interesting, yes.." his eyes met hers for a moment before darting back to the ground. how could she make this situation any more embarrassing than it already was?

She hummed in satisfaction, and leaned up closer to him until their lips barely touched. Luci tensed, fighting every urge not to take a step back and tell her to back off.
"well, we should get going," she says with a smile, pulling away from his space finally.

"get going?" he asks, blinking dumbly at her. "where?"

"to a room? obviously" she rolled her eyes, grabbing his wrist to tug him forward. Luci followed dutifully behind, too busy lost in his own confused thoughts.

she dragged him into a room, shoving him forward while closing the door behind her.
Veronicas smile seemed to fade slightly when she saw him standing there with a confused expression.
"have you seriously never done this before?" she asks, stepping forward and pushing her hand against his chest. "I thought you were just trying to play all innocent. but you really are a-"

"Veronica." he cut her off, laughing with embarrassment while she pushed him onto the bed.

"Luci" she sang seductively, crawling over top of him and straddling his hips. "stop looking so nervous, you remind me of a sad puppy dog."
she giggled and leaned down, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

"wait," lucis body tensed uncomfortable and he moved his head away. "I'm not sure that im-"

"oh stop acting like such a girl Lucifer!" her smile vanished and her expression twisted into an annoyed scowl. "this is fun, what's your problem?"

Luci swallowed hard, shaking his head. "I don't think I like it."

"just calm down, I can teach you how to enjoy it" she scoffed dismissively, leaning over him with a mischievous smirk.

Luci frowned, unsure how to respond to that statement. he wasn't entirely sure he liked her.
"no, Veronica, I'm sorry" he shook his head "can you get off?"

She laughed, not taking him seriously at all as she leaned into him and pressed a kiss to his neck. "why would I need to get off?"

"i dont.." Luci pulled himself away, shaking his head "..feel comfortable"

"Luci, man the hell up already" Lucifer shoved her away the moment she tried to lean in for another kiss.

"seriously, stop or Veronica. get off."  he demanded, his voice  stern despite his weak attempts to hide his panic.

"what the hell?"  Veronica exclaimed, "What do you think gives you the right to reject me?"

"Im sorry, I just dont-"

"im gorgeous, hot, popular, smart, I have everything and you don't" she spat venomously, crossing her arms. "you're just plain old boring, a loser. so what in the world is going through your head thinking you can reject ME?"
she reached out and grabbed his collar, pulling him towards her and  making their faces mere inches apart. Luci felt frozen.
she smiled smugly, taking Lucis  silence as a hint of acceptance.
"there we go" she cooed, leaning into him and placing a quick, chaste kiss on his lips.

he immediately pulled away, feeling nauseous. he used his hand to cover his mouth, fighting the urges to throw up.

"stop pulling away" Veronica demanded, dragging him in for another kiss. "just-"

"Fuckin stop!" luci closed his eyes tightly and swung his hand upwards, not paying attention to where he was aiming.

Veronica yelped in surprise, immediately covering her nose with her hands "you fucking asshole!!" she yelled, getting up and groaning in pain.

Lucifer opened his eyes back up, looking at the girl in shock. "are you-"

"you broke my fucking nose!!"

"you wouldn't get off-" he gulped, shaking his head. "it's not broken, it's just-"

"You stupid fucking bitch -" Veronica laughed dryly "Do you know who my dad is?! I could have you expelled! or worse-"

"Veronica, I'm sorry. I really really didn't mean too," he pleaded, reaching out a hand to her before pulling himself back. he shook his head and gulped, swinging around and darting out of the room.
he heard her voice call him a coward from behind, and more insults he probably shouldn't repeat.
he just needed to go home and.. forget about any of this.. hopefully Veronica could forgive him. maybe he could talk to her at school tomorrow? He just didn't want his parents to know about what happened tonight

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