Chapter 1

347 17 2

'-' : Thinking


Frances takes a deep breath as he watches the next student step in front of the Dark Mirror in order to be sorted into a dorm. Sure, Frances shouldn't nervous... but he was, His best friends weren't with him and he couldn't really perform complex spells that well without his wand.

'Don't overthink it...' Frances thinks to himself as his eyes follow another student walking up to the mirror.

He scans the Mirror Chamber for a while, a lot of students look pretty normal and only a few stood out to him, like a big student with wolf ears and another student who looked like a dainty young girl, then his eyes fall onto the housewardens and to his surprise, Malleus wasn't there.

'I heard that Prince Malleus studies here though, where is he?'

Frances just shakes his head, it wasn't his business, and he turns his attention back to some of the students.

He flinches after he was suddenly called next. He steps up to the Mirror.

"State thy name"

"Frances Morrigan" Frances says smiling but still feeling a bit anxious. He hears some murmurs of students from Diasomnia.

"Morrigan? Isn't that one of the noble families who served the Draconias before the war?"

"I heard that they ran to a hidden realm once the war started"

"A bunch of cowards I tell you"

"I know right, they didn't even show up to help"

Frances glances at some of the students, he was so tempted to hex them or at least just punch one of them for talking ill about his family, but no...he wasn't going to do that, they were just lost causes to him.

"The shape of thy soul is....Diasomnia"
the Dark Mirror states.

A small smile plays on the young fae's lips and he walks away from the mirror, he looks back up and he and Lilia make eye contact, the older fae winks at Frances before turning away.

The ceremony was finally over, and each of the housewardens took their turn to talk.

"Listen new students! At Heartslabyul, I am the rules, if you break any of the rules, then its off with your head" A red haired boy spoke up, some Heartslabyul students shuddered and had looks of fear. 

'he seems like someone you would not like to mess with' Frances thinks , then another dorm leader with lion ears began to speak.

"Finally, that stuffy ceremony is over. Those in Savannaclaw follow me"

"New students! I congratulate you in entering this academy. As the dorm leader of Octavinelle, I am honored to support in what I hope to be a fulfilling campus experience!" A boy with glasses says

A blonde guy then steps up and looks around the chamber

"Hey does anyone know where the headmage is? he disappeared in the middle of the ceremony?" he says, 

"Some headmage he is.." A floating tablet states

"Maybe he had a tummy ache?" another student with white hair and crimson red eyes speaks.

"Not at all!" a voice says

the doors slammed open, making Frances flinch, he and other students turned their heads and they see the headmage standing there

"Speak of the devil" the red haired boy whispered, the headmage was with another person wearing a ceremonial robe and a...

"I-Is that a cat or a raccoon?" Frances mutters in confusion, looking at the weasel with intrigue

"I was just searching for the student who didn't show up to today's orientation

The headmage turns to the new student

"You're the only one who has yet to be assigned to a dorm. Step up to the Dark Mirror, I'll watch your weasel"

The student gulped and goes to stand in front of the Dark Mirror, Frances watched the student, something about them felt...different, they seem special, to Frances at least.

"State thy name" the Dark Mirror's voice resonates throughout the room

"I'm Yuu" The student says,

'what an interesting name' Frances thinks

"Yuu...the nature of your soul is....unclear to me" 

"What did you say?!" The headmage exclaims, there were murmurs and whispers all around the room, Frances was shocked too.

"Woah" Frances whispers, 

"I sense no magical power from this one...Soundless....Colorless....Shapeless.....Utterly vacant"  The Mirror speaks.

"Therefore no dorm would be appropriate."


Ok I have to cut this chapter short, since I'm busy, but I will still try to update frequently

Also for Frances's backstory, there might be some servant of evil elements involved because I also love the Story of Evil songs

Thank you for reading this chapter!

                                            - Author 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23 ⏰

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