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Ellie: hey guys

Gabby: Hey Ellie!!

Tess: hi

Jake: ..

Ellie: Listen dude, I'm sorry.

Jake: sorry that you dragged our names through the mud on international tv?? Yeah, hard pass.

Miriam: seriously

Ellie: it's not like what i said was a lie.

Jake: you had a lot to say about us, but you're forgetting about yourself. Ellie, you're a selfish, heartless, soul sucking bitch who is too involved in our personal lives to focus on her own. It's things like this that make me realize that maybe your focus on our lives is the reason you were in debt not too long ago.

Hunter: Wow, that's cold.

Tom: No, no, she deserves it.

Gabby: not you too Tom :(

Tom: listen Gabby, I was able to forgive her for the things she did on our season, but the interview was too much

Ashley: Come on guys, cheer up!

Jake: No

Jake: screw you ellie, you're insane.

Ellie: At least I didn't ruin my relationship, now I know why your ex cheated on you. You're so pathetic that you're holding onto a grudge for almost 2 years?? Get a life Jake.

Jake: I'll get a life the moment you get a job you can keep.

Ellie: Whatever.

-Ellie has gone offline-

-Jake has gone offline-

Ally: tough crowd

Riya: Fr

Aiden: Riya, why are you always trying to kill me??

Riya: No I didn't??

James: I watched you push him off the plane..

Connor: No, she wouldn't?? Right, Riya??

Riya: Yes!!

Lake: Hey Tess

Tess: yes??

Lake: could you help me come up with an idea for my next book? I'd like to focus on a new one when we're done with this program!

Tess: yeah sure, i'll try find time

Lake: Great!!

James: So no cabins??

Tom: Yeah, gotta get used to it

Gabby: I'm gonna go check on Ellie

-Gabby has gone Idle-

Kristal: What are you all doing on your phones?? I said no electronic devices.

James: Ahhh shit

Lake: ..

Ally: oh

Hunter: .....

Kristal: I'm coming over to take them

Emily: How do you all have internet access anyway??

Riya: James 

Aiden: ofc riya's gonna be a snitch 

Kristal: Thank you, Riya.

James: fuck you riya

Riya: Skill issue

Aiden: Why are you saying skill issue, aren't you in your 40's??

Riya: 30's actually!!


-Aiden has gone offline-

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-Gabby has gone online-

Gabby: I'm back!!

Gabby: oh.

Gabby: WAIT.

-Gabby has gone offline-

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