Two Kings

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Westminister Palace, 1497 

No one POV 

Lizzie and Henry sat on their thrones, as the whole court gathered as Margaret brought Richard/Perkin in and Margaret said " Your Grace, I bring you the cause of England's troubles." 

Richard/Perkin was brought in and Margaret walked out of the way and Henry said "The money wasted, the lives lost, bringing you here. And all for what? A peasant boy. I will enjoy your execution. You'll be hung, drawn and quartered, so that the last thing that...". 

Richard/Perkin said " You should kill me if you wish to stay upon my throne. I am the son of King Edward, the IV and Queen Elizabeth Woodville. And I am rightful King of England. You thought that I was murdered, but I live. So, you will stand aside and return to me the crown and throne which have been stolen from me, or you will face the righteous wrath of Almighty God, who will rage against your sin and cast you into hell." 

Henry clapped and said "Bravo. A fine performance. You have missed your calling. Perhaps you wish to be a mummer in my court?". 

Henry stood up and said "I will ask the Queen of England what to do with you, seeing as you claim she is your sister. Tell me, Queen Elizabeth, is this your kin?". 

Lizzie looked over at him and then at Perkin and it was silent for a while and Lizzie said "My brothers are both dead." 

Henry said "Not quite the welcome you imagined. While I decide what to do with you, I shall make you a servant at our court. You shall be knave of the King's wardrobe. You may care for the robes you covet. You may even sleep among them. And you will join us on our trip to Portugal for my eldest daughter's coronation as the Queen of Portugal, A very powerful country, as we celebrate the alliance with one of the most powerful nations in Europe, and my the happy news of my first grandson, that my daughter carries." 

In the hallway 

Margaret walked with Lizzie and Henry and Margaret said "He is an enemy of the crown. You must make a show of killing him." 

Henry said "An enemy backed by half of Europe, who may be mustering to come against me as we speak." 

Margaret said "Portugal is with you. He is a counterfeit!" and Lizzie said "Of course he is a counterfeit! You think we do not know that?" and Henry said "He says himself that I must kill him as a threat, so I will not. I will not be commanded by him. I will parade him." 

He looked at Lizzie and said"Do you agree?" and Lizzie said " I..." and Henry said "On our way out of England to Portugal, we will Drag him through the streets, and show the world I have him. And then... When he is humiliated, he will give up his claim, and his supporters will forget him." 

Margaret said "But they may not. Or people may believe his claim just because... You must not do this." 

Henry said "By killing him, the boy becomes a myth and martyr. His power, ten times greater in the ballads that they sing. He must appear the maggot that he is so that Europe will be embarrassed to have had him at their table." 

In another room 

Margaret said "I want to find his wife and child. They are of value to us. He left the battlefield to go to her once. Now, I don't believe they can be far from Beaulieu. He will have left her in the church for sanctuary.

Bishop Morton said "But Rome agrees that traitors can no longer find refuge in the church." 

Margaret said "Better you make her come to us by choice. Persuade her that her husband needs her. Tell me when you have her." 

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