Saucer Pass

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It's finally game day and Tye has to be at the arena all day to prepare. Colorado's first playoff game against Houston isn't until 7:00 PM, but Tye has been with the team since 8:00 AM for media and last minute video review. With he doesn't end up getting back home until a little after 4:00 PM. This allows him just enough time for a pre-game nap before having to head straight back to the arena.

Moss was originally going to give his boyfriend space to focus leading up to the game. However, this plan is quickly derailed as he stares into a pair of tired eyes that refuse to go to sleep without him. "The whole team'll be in jeopardy if you don't come lay with me, MoMo. Are you really trying to sabotage us?" Rolling his eyes, Moss follows the stubborn hockey player up to his room where he is then brought into the warmth of his secure embrace. Unlike Tye, he didn't have to wake up super early to do tasking activities for hours on end, so he doesn't think that he will actually fall asleep. He was wrong.

They both wake up to the alarm that Tye had set. Not wanting to move from his warm cocoon, Moss briefly considers holding onto Tye and refusing to let him go, but he knows that would be a selfish thing to do. He instead watches from the bed as Tye changes into his suit and eventually bends down to give Moss a kiss 'for good luck' before walking out the door. Moss drags himself out of bed a few minutes later to put on his black jeans and Martel jersey. He is still drowsy an hour later when Lars comes by to pick him up.


Lars is kind enough to give him a ride to the arena where he then proceeds to take them to a suite that is usually set aside for sponsors. Unfortunately, Lars and Addie will be sitting elsewhere for tonight's game since they need to show their faces as the captain and captain's wife. Although he's still recovering from a major surgery, Lars will join his team in the locker room in between periods and watch the game from down below as well. Meanwhile, Addie carpooled with another WAG who will be joining her and the others in the WAG box for game one. Both of them having places to be for the night subsequently means leaving Moss to his own devices.

"You have my number if you need anything, Mo," Lars says to him as he hovers by the door. Moss truly appreciates everything that Lars and Addie have done for him, but he sometimes gets the impression that they forget that he's a full grown adult. "I'll be fine, Lars. Thanks again for the ride—have fun with the boys," he replies with a wave. The lack of company is not a problem to him, he's honestly just grateful to be able to attend the game in person at this point.

Once Lars leaves, Moss finds a place to sit outside where rows of seats hover over the arena allowing for a decent view of the ice. The corporate sponsors are still mingling inside, so the chairs are all empty aside from the one he now occupies in the back left corner of their section. He then takes out his phone to check for notifications and reflects on the call he had with his mom earlier that day. She wanted to know when he would be arriving in Denver to watch one of the playoff games with his dad and her. Moss had broken the news to her that he didn't have a plane ticket booked yet, but said that he might be able to visit sometime next week. He still has no desire to be around his family at the moment, so he continues to lie to them about his whereabouts.

The game is incredibly eventful with the two energetic teams flying around the ice determined to claim the first of four wins needed to move on to the next round. Tye ends up getting a goal and two assists. Pride blossoms in Moss' chest as he celebrates each point zealously with the rest of the fans in the arena. Moments like these make him want to join Addie and the WAGs in their suite more than anything.

He feels a slight ache of jealousy when he thinks about how they also get to go down to the locker room afterwards to congratulate the boys when they inevitably get the big win. Moss has to remind himself that his isolation from the others is necessary until he tells Shane and Eli about his relationship. As soon as they're filled in on him and Tye, then he'll be able to participate in the festivities for the rest of the playoffs.

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