Puck Shy

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The Boulders have media and video review early in the morning, but Tye is able to make it back home around 11:00 AM.

"You ready to text Addie?" He asks when he walks through the door and spots Moss at the kitchen counter. Giving him a quick peck on his lips, he then takes a seat next to Moss ready to watch everything unfold.

Moss was catching up on a few emails, but slides his work laptop to the side when Tye sits next to him.

"Yeah- I have the text ready to go. I was just waiting for you," he gives his boyfriend a nervous smile, but places his phone on the counter between them and hits send before he can talk himself out of it.

Almost immediately, he receives a message in a new group chat called The Real WAGs of Colorado, presumably named after the Real Housewives franchise. Moss laughs at this and explains the origin of the name to Tye who smiles and nods along to the analysis.

The Real WAGs of Colorado

**Addie:D added (313) xxx-xxxx to the conversation**

**Today 12:36 PM**


Hi girls! Please welcome the newest member to our group! Moss will be joining us at tonights game so I want all of you to be on your best behavior ;)

The group chat immediately blows up with texts responding to Addie's announcement. Numerous random numbers are greeting him and asking him questions which makes Moss feel a bit overwhelmed. Tye notices this and starts to rub his back soothingly while offering words of support which Moss is incredibly grateful for.

Addie is replying to some of the questions on his behalf, probably knowing that he's struggling to keep up with the sheer number of texts being sent.


Yes, Kelsey. He's Tye's boyfriend **thumbs up emoji**

I'm almost done with his jacket, Melanie! We can retake our group pic tonight:)

Roksana, no personal questions today! We are NOT trying to scare the boy away>:(

Moss finds Addie's texts to be oddly comforting with her blunt, but amusing responses that she gives the girls. Eventually, he decides to send his own text in the active group chat.

To: The Real WAGs of Colorado

I'm excited to meet everyone tonight:)

He doesn't even attempt to answer the countless amount of questions that were previously directed at him. Moss figures they'll all have the chance to speak face-to-face later tonight anyways.

"I'm so proud of you, sweets. You're gonna have a great time with them at the game," Tye has a look of complete adoration on his face.

Moss presses a kiss to his lips and grabs his hand. Interlacing their fingers together, he giddily responds, "It's gonna be fun to watch the game with a group. I'm proud of you too, by the way. Your teammates are all going to know about us now."

"They're chill- I'm not worried about them, like, being dicks or anything," Tye bashfully shrugs off the acknowledgment.

"Good," Moss says before putting on a joking tone, "I'd hate to have to step in if anyone started picking on my precious boyfriend."

Tye barks out a laugh at that before playing into the bit, "I don't know, MoMo.... You might need to drop the gloves with some of them if they get too comfortable with the gay jokes."

The couple continues to banter back and forth as they eat their lunch before relaxing on the couch. Tye receives texts from most of his teammates congratulating him after hearing the news from their wives or girlfriends which only feeds into his good mood.

As they leisure on the couch in each others arms, Tye briefs him on everything he knows about the team WAGs. He's met the majority of them, but it sounds like most of Tye's knowledge comes from stories told to him by their significant others.

Time seems to fly by because, before they know it, Tye needs to take his pregame nap.

"Please come with me, it's only for an hour," he whines, begging Moss to nap with him.

Moss laughs at this, "I'm sorry, I can't. I have a couple more things that I need to get done before I log out for the day."

Kissing his boyfriends pout, Moss gently pushes him in the direction of the bedroom.

After he finally gets Tye to go rest on his own, he notices an update to the WAG group chat that shocks a laugh out of him.

The Real BWAGs of Colorado

**Addie:D named the conversation "The Real BWAGs of Colorado"**

**Today 4:08 PM**


Tye has woken up from his pregame nap and won't stop fretting over Moss before he leaves for the arena. Moss thinks it's sweet that his boyfriend keeps checking in to make sure he feels okay about everything and still wants to go to the game.

Moss is on FaceTime with Addie listening to her describe what he should wear to match the other girls and their jackets. She shows her outfit for reference and approves the pieces that Moss picks out of the closet for himself.

Feeling eyes on him, he looks up to see Tye in his gray game day suit hovering in the doorway with a concerned look on his face.

"I promise I'll be fine. You need to go before you're late," Moss gives him a quick kiss and tries to shove him out the door.

Addie hears all of this and chimes in, "Get a move on, lover boy, before they bench you for tardiness! I'll make sure your precious cargo is transported safely to the arena."

Tye's cheeks darken a bit, but he bends down to give Moss another kiss and tells him that he'll be checking his phone if he needs him before the game. Moss smiles at this and gives him one last playfully exasperated push out of the door while assuring him that he'll reach out if he needs to.


Not too long after Tye departs, Addie shows up to get Moss for the game.

On the way there, she provides a more thorough deep dive on all of the girls and what to expect from each of them. This debrief is much more helpful than the one his well-intentioned boyfriend had given him earlier. It sounds like all of the WAGs are friendly enough and he doesn't have to look out for anyone in particular.

Addie advises him that they were all surprised and worried about him and Tye when word got out about the Houston hotel situation. She assures Moss that no one is upset with him over what happened and they're all just happy to hear that the couple was able to work things out and are back together again.

When they park in the Larsson's assigned spot in the parking garage, Addie gives Moss his custom Martel (B)WAG bomber jacket which seems to be made of a leathery material. The majority of the jacket is cream colored but the sleeves and the shoulders are Boulders maroon with blue accents here and there. Patches pertaining to Denver and the NHL are artfully ironed on in different spots. Moss sees the number eight placed high up on both sleeves and then flips the jacket over to see Martel written on the back with a larger number eight underneath it.

He shrugs it on when they hop out of the car. Addie recommended getting an oversized jacket because that's what most of the girls did. Moss is happy that he took her suggestion as it is clearly the statement piece of his entire outfit. All of the WAGs are meant to be wearing white tops, black bottoms and white shoes so the jackets will stand out as a result.

Addie takes a picture of just the two of them in their matching jackets in the parking garage before hooking her arm through his and marching them into the arena.

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