A Funeral

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Carlisle stops leaning on the bedpost to step over to me. I watch him as he uses his finger to lift my chin to look up at him as I stare into his eyes, which has my heart beat faster when he then moves his hand over to my cheek, stroking it softly with his fingers as I watch him as he is concentrating on what he is doing. He moves his fingers to my neck to hold them there as he sighs while I watch him with me, wishing to seal his lips with my own. Carlisle looks into my eyes as I begin to reach up slowly, placing a hand on his cheek as he looks at me as I wish to be taller to kiss him; he takes my hand in his as I look at him, "Abigail, don't" he whispers to me as I tilt my head on what he is telling me not to do.

Still, before I can ask, someone knocks on the door, which has Carlisle step away from me. As I drop my hand to my side, Rosalie is there holding a glass of water for me, which has me gulp in, "I think it is wise to drink water, Mom", Rosalie tells me, which makes me go wide-eyed when she says, mom because she never calls me mom it was either Emmett or Alice that call me that. I feel someone staring at me, but I pay no mind to Carlisle. Instead, I walk to Rosalie, taking the glass of water out of her hand as she looks at me with a knowing smile, "Mom, would you like something to eat." I shake my head, feeling tired instead of hungry. Still, I look over at the clock to see that it is 5 am in the morning, which makes me sigh because I wanted to sleep in today seems it is not today, "that food would be lovely, dear," she nods with excitement on making food when I say that to her leaving me with Carlisle as I hold the glass of water in my hold.

"They are taking to you nicely." I turn around, looking at Carlisle when he suggests that, seeing he has come up to me as I hold the glass tightly in my hand, "and I like that they are", I answer him as he places a hand on my own as I look to his eyes as he takes the glass from my hand placing it on the side table, "Abigail, I will not hurt you" he whispers as I look into his eyes as he takes my hand entwining our fingers as I breathe in a shaky breath, "I know" I whisper to him as he brings my hand to his lips kissing the wrist, "but I am scared to hurt you," he tells me as I reach up touching his cheek as he closes his eyes, "Carlisle, you could never hurt me" I whisper to him as he lets me go stepping back, "you should go and get changed," he tells me as I nod with a heavy heart leaving for my room. I step into my room, close the door, and lean on it as if I wish he would not brush me off like that again. 

I get up and go over to the closet pulling out my black dress, cardigan and high heels, which has me know I will have to go through this today. I have a shower which was getting the sweat off of my body and putting the clothes on I walk down stairs to see the kids sitting there watching as Rosalie and Emmett tried to cook, which makes me smile because it is quite amusing to see them trying to cook, "smells good" I say sitting in the middle of Jasper and Alice, Alice looks at my attire with a frown on the black, "what are you wearing mom?" she asks me which makes me frown on the mention of my clothes as my mood is going sad, "I am attending a funeral, so I am going to that for today" I answer her as Carlisle walks in with a formal black suit on as I go wide eyed on him coming with me today, "and I suspect that Carlisle is coming with me" I contine to say to the teenagers which makes me smile at the handsome doctor as he looks to me with him looking good in a suit, Emmett puts the meal in front of me letting me have a good view of scrambed eggs that don't look like eggs they are green, I suspect they added in too many herbs to the breakfast but they tried.

 I have a shower which was getting the sweat off of my body and putting the clothes on I walk down stairs to see the kids sitting there watching as Rosalie and Emmett tried to cook, which makes me smile because it is quite amusing to see them tryi...

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Time goes by, Carlisle Cullen love story (Twilight)Where stories live. Discover now