I am in love with Carlisle Cullen.

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Bella screams out in pain when her leg is broken, which makes me scream at James for hurting my little sister; James is videoing all of this, causing me to snarl because this is entertaining for this sick vampire who I will kill at the end of this, "Tell him to avenge you. Tell him to avenge you! Tell him!" he looked like he was insane while talking with my sister as I try to get to her, "Edward, don't!" Bella said in between screams of pain as I wondered why she was saying it like that, "Tell him!" James yells, but Edward comes in, bashing into James, causing him to lose balance. I get to my sister, checking her leg that is broken like mine, but I care for her more than myself, "next time, we are getting normal boyfriends, Bella?" I told her that I was feeling sore while leaning on the pillar. Edward then comes over to us, and I look at him, "Take Bella and go", I tell him as he looks at me, nodding. I try to stand, but when Edward is going to leave, James pulls him down, making poor Bella land in the chards of a mirror that James broke when he threw me into it. Edward is thrown into the window, making glass break. I try to crawl over to Bella, but then James bites her wrist, which makes me scream out at what he did. I get to Bella when Edward pushes James back, making the floorboards come up, "Bella, Bella, please no." Tears well up in my eyes while saying it in a croaky voice while touching her shoulder as I am covered in blood.

The others come in, and Alice comes over, making me gulp because I was stupid to follow my sister to this place, "Bella, Bella! It's okay." I say to my sister as I sob into my hand, trying to remain calm is not working, "Son... Enough! Remember who you are. Bella needs you." Carlisle tells Edward, who comes over, which makes me look at him, but the room is spinning from the blood loss and my broken bones. I lean to the side as someone catches me from falling. "Mom", I heard Alice say as the darkness surrounded me, thinking, is Bella okay? I open my eyes slowly for it to be a bit blurry. I am in a stiff hospital bed, and it smells gross in here, like someone vomited, which makes me get up slowly to see Dad next to me as I see he has his head in his hands, "I'm not dying" I tell him as he looks to me with sadness in his old features, "Ab's, my sweet girl" he gets out and then he surprises me by hugging me which makes me gulp because I don't remember what happened, I was near my sister, and then I fell unconcise maybe because I lost too much blood. My broken leg didn't help in that fact. Bella hadn't awoken yet when I went back to Forks, but when I got back there, she woke up, which had me hobbling around. I can still drive, and it seems my sister will be okay. Carlisle was back at Forks, which makes me think that he doesn't even care to see me now when I am at my weakest, which makes me sigh while driving back to the Cullen's. Bella going to the prom with Edward makes me smile because I want to go to the prom again; I never had a date last time, and no one wanted to dance with me, which hurts to think about it now. 

Pulling into the driveway with me, thinking this would be entertaining, Emmett, Jasper, Rosalie, and Alice ran out of the house. Seeing me getting out of my car slowly as I use the car as support, they rush over to me, which makes me smile at them, "I am fine, guys", I reassure them happily; Emmett lifts me into the air while hugging me tightly as I giggle on the hug. Emmett then places me on the ground. Jasper even got a hug, which means he is doing well with him not drinking human blood. We did spend a lot of time together; Alice and Rosalie then hugged me together, which made some tears well up in my eyes on seeing my teenage vampires, "where is Carlisle?" I ask them, which makes them look down on the mention of their father, "he is at the hospital, and we are going to the prom," Alice tells me, which makes me smile at them, "not without me taking pictures, you're not" I answer them pulling my camera out of my bag to hobble in the proper position as I snap some photos, but then a car pulls up. Out steps Carlisle, who looks over at me as I look at him as well, which has me watching as he retreats inside, away from me. "Carlisle is in a world full of hurt now," I say to the kids and hobble into the house. I come inside to see that  Carlisle is going upstairs; I follow suit slowly to enter his room without knocking as I look at him with a frown on my lips, "you can't ignore me for the rest of my life, Carlisle" I tell him as I caught him at a time when he was taking off his shirt making me cross my arms over my small chest having a slight blush on my cheeks at his bare chest that looks good here, "Abigail turn around" he instructs me making me snarl and then turn around feeling like I am being ordered about when he didn't even see me in hospital.

While I stand there, I feel something cool against my back as my arms loop over my front, making a small smile spread on my lips because he can be so persuasive to me. I turn around in his arms, and I look up at him. As he looks down at me saddened by looking at me with his golden eyes, "I didn't want to visit you because I thought I did something wrong Abigail" he tells me while tracing a long finger along my cheekbone making me sigh with happiness and closing my eyes on his hands holding me, "you could never do anything wrong, Carlisle, you are my perfect vampire" I tell him as I open my eyes seeing the smile come to his features when I say that to him, he then lifts me into his arms making me wrap my legs around his middle as he strokes my hair away from my face as he sits on the bed then making me straddle him while he moves my hair away from my face some more, "can I test something" he whispers as he moves in closer as I watch him, "stay still" he tells me as I lick my lips as he breathes in placeing his lips carefully on mine as I try to keep the fire at bay as he begins to move his lips when he is kissing me which has me to grip his clothes tightly as he stops making me look at him as he looks down to his shirt chuckling, "sorry" I whisper letting him go as he looks at me seeing his eyes turn black which means he needs to hunt. 

"go hunt Carlisle," I say, getting off of him, wanting to still experiment with him with his hands all over my body and his lips travelling up my... focus Abby, "Abigail", I heard Carlisle whisper to me as I turn to look at him as he touches my cheek with his soft fingers, "stay here forever," he tells me as I smile touching his cheek while looking at him with love in my brown orbs, "be back soon," I tell him as he nods placing his head on mine and then he leaves me sitting there to go hunt which has me to lay back in the bed that was set up for me last time as I breath in, I am in love which is not funny to the eyes.

Edited: 19/1/24

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