Ch 4: Introduction to the Tournament.

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Hell, Pentagram City.

It been a month since Y/N announcement and it spread like wildfire as many demons enter the tournament.

In the Raiders of Hell sector there is a special arena that many demons are entering.

An: kinda like that but there is a second row that got front row seats with windows which is where Lucifer, Lilith, the Sins, the Overlords, and Royals

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An: kinda like that but there is a second row that got front row seats with windows which is where Lucifer, Lilith, the Sins, the Overlords, and Royals

In the Cannibal chambers.

Currently in one of the Overlord  chambers there is chatting as they doubt this new demon can become Overlord but two certain overlords is interesting in this fight.

Roise: "So Alastor. Do you think this Raider Demon got what it takes to be an fellow Overlord?" She said smiling at her friend and fellow cannibal.

Alastor: "It depends if he got what it takes after all being an Overlord is more about showing strength. You must prove yourself that you can survive in Hell" he said smiling.

Roise: "True. Plus I heard that he got respect from Lucifer for asking him to get a permit to build three Casinos in the Pride ring. And he even got the House of Asmodeus to support his Gomorrah place" she said which Alastor chuckle.

Alastor: "That sin wouldn't hesitate to offer his support to lusty people like succubus and incubus" he said.

Roise: "Definitely however I must admit that his Ultra Luxe is simply divine as they got top food especially fresh meat" she said licking her lips.

Alastor: "Although I am annoyed he thought the Vs would help him but I ain't mad since they won't hesitate to help so long as it benefits them" he said.

Roise: "Thus why he came to me as I only desire one thing and he managed to deliver. However you can agree that he will be interesting as an new Overlord" she said which the two demons smile.

In the Vs chamber.

Currently Vox is looking at an tablet which show a betting pool of Y/N losing but he frown when there is a few that bet him on winning.

Valentino is smiling as he looks at his phone which involves the marketing of his porn stadio but he growl when he see that the Gomorrah is equal to his studio marketing.

Velvet is looking at her phone smiling as she gain another thousand followers. However she frown when sinners and demons comment that the Raider Demon got tons of followers compared to her due to how his chems is being sold.

Vs: "That fucker won't become Overlord" they said hating how Y/N is slowing ruining their business.

In the Sins chamber.

Currently only three of the sins is in this chamber as they are looking forward to see Y/N which they respect as he got the traits of lust, glutton and greed.

Bee: "So Ozz and Mam why did you decide to support Y/N too?" She said looking at her fellow sins.

Mammon: "He ask for some money but he pay back twice which he did thus he earn my respect as he is making tons of money but not as much as me" he said.

Asmodeus: "He ask for some succubus and incubus that is willing to have sex at his casinos which I couldn't refuse since providing lust is my job. Plus I was in a good mood so I decided to support him since he understands what makes lust so special" he said.

Mammon: "So what about you Bee why did you support him?" He said which Bee giggle.

Bee: "Well the fact that he knows how to party, know awesome music, and he makes amazing food. Plus he add an theater called the Honey Ace Theater to one of his casino which is amazing since they know how to make amazing music" she said smiling.

Asmodeus: "Heh I actually went to his casino and I can sense lust in the air which excited me" he said.

Mammon: "I'll admit that he sure know greed since demons in the pride ring would put their pride of winning" he said impressed.

Bee: "Thus why he's my boyfriend" she said surprising her two fellow sins.

In the Royal chamber.

Currently Lucifer and his wife Lilith is in the best seat of the arena which overview the entire fighting ring.

Lilith: "So dear why did you decide to give Y/N permit? After all you usually don't do that unless it benefits you?" She said which Lucifer chuckle.

Lucifer: "Simple he literally kneel before me and ask me for a permit to build some casinos in this city. Which surprised me as I know sinners like him have pride but it seems he is respectful to higher beings" he said then frown.

"However I sense Eldritch energy around him and his soul which makes me realize that he isn't a normal sinner so I accept out of respect but also caution as that eldritch energy can rival father" Lucifer said surprising Lilith.

Lilith: "I must say that is concerning but so long as he knows his place then we allow him to live and continue what he doing since he isn't planning to overthrow us" she said which Lucifer nod.

Suddenly lights hit the center of the arena then many demons and sinners cheer as appearing from an pink mist is the succubus Jenna who skin is orange unlike normal demons but she is barely wearing any clothes just a top bra that show her massive breasts which is double b and panties that show her ass.

Jenna: "Welcome everyone of hell to the first official Tournament of hell! Where demons will fight the Raider Demon for his territory! Now let see how many the Raider boss will face!" She said then multiple gates open which show at least two hundred demons all with guns, knives, and bats.

"If I am correct then the Raider Demon will be fighting two hundred demons! Which is from Low imps to sharks and hellhound! Now let see the Raider Demon himself!" She said taking a few steps back.

Then out of nowhere a massive cloud of bones and electricity appear in the spot Jenna was at.

Suddenly a roar force everyone to cover their ears as almost every glass throughout the city crack.

Once the roar stop everyone look at the center again but their eyes are widen as standing in the center is Y/N himself but he is releasing dark terrifying aura that cause imps to pass out while many other demons is frighten.

However the Overlords, Sins and high rank class demons are impressed with this energy especially Alastor who smirk.

Alastor: "This gonna be entertaining" he said smiling.

An: cliffhanger! Next chapter will involve Y/N fight.

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