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"Now this looks strange but let me explain. The Names Serial Designation Y/N or Y/N for short. I lived in the green hill zone with a wise Owl and a speedy hedgehog that I know as a little brother. But when Sonic was 3 years old we we're separated from each other. Hold on, let me rewind to the day." in the green hill zone we see two strips of light racing each other. Throughout the narration, we saw various shots of Sonic and me zipping through the terrain and land of the island "This is the island where Sonic is from." I welcomed, as younger Sonic and I zoomed passed. "It had everything. Sandy beaches, cascading waterfalls, public access to loop-de-loops. And we never had to catch a school bus because we could run across the entire island in less than two seconds." I admired, as the two lights went up into the air and fell back down. "Also, there was no school. I know, pretty sweet island, right?" I corrected again, as Young Sonic and I ran across a ramp and shot up into the air. "Yeah!" Young Sonic cheered as he landed back on the ground and continued zipping through the island. While Y/N flew high up into the air. "We were born with extraordinary powers and were told to keep them secret." I explained, as Y/N landed back on the ground. "And like any kid, we did the exact opposite'" I added, as Young Sonic and Y/N ran up some bridges to a small house. The two curled into balls, rolled into the house, jumped up, and playfully bumped Longclaw while she was sleeping, causing her to wake up. "That's Longclaw. She took care of us." I introduced, Young Sonic landed on the ground, now out of ball form, and he is laughing happily. Y/N landed beside him and pulled him up off the floor. "She was basically Obi-Wan Kenobi. If Obi-Wan Kenobi had a beak and ate mice." I added, happily, giggling at Sonic.

"Sonic, Y/N, someone could have seen you two." Longclaw scolded, not pleased with our actions.

"No one saw me. I'm too fast! And, I wanted to bring you this." young Sonic reassured, before pulling out a flower he picked from the outside, which made Longclaw happy. However, Longclaw noticed a tribe of echidnas in the trees, aiming their weapons at the trio. She then shut the door and grabbed Sonic and Y/N to protect him.

"Get down!" Longclaw ordered, as the echidnas fired their arrows from their bows and they hit almost every corner of Longclaw's house, with one arrow breaking the window, barely missing Longclaw, and passing through Sonic's flower, pinning it to the wood floor.

"Turns out with great power, comes great power-hungry bad guys. And I led them right to us." I mumbled, the echidnas climbed through the windows and prepared to attack, but Longclaw, Sonic and I escaped through the back window as the echidnas continued firing arrows at them. Eventually, Pachacamac fired his arrow and it striked Longclaw, knocking her, Sonic, and I out of the sky and sending us plummeting to the ground. A wounded Longclaw got up and put a very concerned Sonic and Y/N on their feet and we looked up at her.

"Listen carefully, Sonic, Y/N. You have a power unlike anything I have ever seen. And that means someone will always want them. The only way to stay safe is to stay hidden." Longclaw said, before taking two rings from her satchel and tossing them, which opened two portals one to a forest on another planet at night. And the other a snowy tundra looking planet. "These worlds are on the far side of the universe. You both should be safe there." Longclaw spoke, pointing with her non wounded wing to the portals.

"I don't want to go without you!" Sonic pleaded, a naive Y/N realized what was happening and didn't want to lose Sonic or Longclaw.

"Why can't we go together?" I asked, Longclaw merely shook her head.

"You must." Longclaw spoke, as she handed Sonic and I small satchels of Rings. "These Rings will be your most important possession." Longclaw explained, Longclaw gasped as she heard the echidna tribe getting closer, then she looked back down at Sonic and I. "If you're ever discovered, use one." She said, before gently pushing Sonic closer to the portal with her wing. "Never stop running. Now, go!" She ordered, she then pushed me into the other and I ran away from the portal. I turned around and looked back, horrified, as Longclaw prepared for attack.

"Longclaw!" I shouted, I started running back, Longclaw looked back at Sonic and I one last time as the echidnas got even closer.

"Goodbye, Sonic, Y/N" Longclaw spoke, as the portal started shrinking.

"No!" I pleaded, but before I could get back to Longclaw, the portal disappeared in slo-mo.

"Noo!" I cried, I now realized that I was by myself and must do what Longclaw instructed. I flew up into the snowy night and cried to myself.

Sonic (movie 1) x disassembly drone! Reader ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now