Chapter 3

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Later in the day I'd been called into the control room to grab a guitar that needed fixing. James complained about the "feel" of the guitar which was obviously super helpful. I took it out to the station we'd set up in the corridor. The second I'd sat down, Lars appeared out of nowhere and started asking me questions.

"Fucking Hetfield..." Lars was leaning on the stool next to me, "what's wrong with that guy?"

James was rounding the corner and Lars was egging him on. All I wanted to do was fix this damned guitar without these two meatheads causing trouble.

"This is why I prefer my cave." My head went into my hands as James jumped on Lars, pretending to punch him.

It was like working with a pair of 2-year-olds. They struggled between themselves, Lars attempting a headlock but not quite having the height for it. James eventually dragged Lars around the corner. Finally, now I could get started on this guitar.


I dragged Lars around the corner, quick as I could.

"You're not supposed to be here, go away." I whispered as loud as I felt Fi wouldn't hear.

"Oh, sorry Hetfield, did I get in the way of your conquest?" his eyebrows raised, dripping with sarcasm.

"Look, I don't have long before she figures out there is nothing wrong with that guitar." Lars seemed confused, "I told her it was broken so she would come down here to fix it, and then I could come out here and..."

"...and kiss her?" he didn't even try and whisper.

I put my hand over his mouth, "No, I just want to talk to her and get to know her before we spend all day together tomorrow. Completely friendly."

"Why don't you just go out there and tell her you want to kiss her?! It could work!" Lars mumbled through my hand.

"Oh, yeah, I'm totally just gonna walk up to her and say, 'I want to kiss you!'. No Lars." I let go of his face and brushed him away.

I took a steadying breath and made my way over to the table.


"So how is she, doc?" James leaned his elbow on the table, nearly knocking my cup of coffee. He reached out to steady the cup, mouthing an apology.

"I don't know yet, Lars started talking to me before I could even look at it."

I was grateful James had gotten rid of Lars, for now. He's clearly losing it with having nothing to do. He's been doing a lot of the background stuff, like artwork and magazines...and being very nosey.

"Oh, the guitar isn't broken. I just really wanted to kiss you." his eyes slammed shut and his palm shot up to cover his face.

"Did Lars tell you to say that?" I presumed Lars decided to get James in on his relentless requests for attention.

"Uh, yeah. Sorry about that, he's really going for it isn't he?" James ruffled at his hair, straightening it out after the earlier struggle messed it up.

"It's okay, he's got to have fun somehow I guess." I chuckled to myself whilst tinkering with the guitar.

"You know," James continued, "I'm finished for the night, so don't worry about the guitar." He seemed antsy, and I couldn't figure out what was wrong.

I guess I could do with going home. I'd been dealing with one malfunction after the other and I wanted to be well rested for the session with James tomorrow.


The next morning, I was sat in the parking lot of the studio, drumming my fingers on the steering wheel. I was nervously pulling at the hem of my skirt; I hadn't realised it was ending just above the knee when I got in the car this morning. If I'd known, I would have changed. I didn't want to sit next to James for god knows how many hours with it sliding further up my thigh each time I reached above me.

I caught movement in my rear-view mirror, Jason had just arrived. It wouldn't be long before James turned up, so I thought it best to get settled in my cave. I wanted to make a good impression; it was important for me to be seen as an actual tech rather than just a woman sitting around...maybe it was just a praise kink.

I took one last deep breath and quietly slipped through the studio doors. Luckily, I'd memorised the route I needed to take through this labyrinth and got to the cave door without passing anyone.

"I was wondering when you'd get here." James spoke as I came into the room.

I spat out a string of expletives, dropping my jacket whilst trying to steady myself. He'd scared the living shit out of me.

"Oh my god. I swear you and Lars have an awful sense of humour."

James loudly laughed whilst folding at the middle. The two of them were going to be the death of me. He was still going even after I'd managed to pick up my stuff and throw myself into my studio chair.

"I'm sorry, it's just Lars mentioned how easily you scare. I promise I won't do it again." He had laughter-tears in his eyes and the most adorable smile, I couldn't stay mad when he looked that cute.

"Who needs coffee when you've got the Mighty Het?" I joked whilst I set up the tapes for this session. James let out another rumbling laugh.

I cranked up the volume before hitting play, hoping it would scare James out of his laughing fit.


James was strumming along to the tracks as I took notes, he seemed to need something to always keep his hands busy.

"I'm not sure on this take. I think it was before we messed with the tone of this guitar." James' brow was furrowed trying to remember.

He'd been easier to work with than Lars, less trigger happy with dismissing a whole tape. He knew what he was looking for, and seemed eager to get back to the control room to add in the bits he was coming up with.

"We can alter the tone here, not permanently, but enough so you know what to expect when it's mixed later."

"Oh, this one?" the two of us went for the same level, his callous fingertips brushing against mine. My eyes darted up to his, there was a glint in his blue. The room suddenly felt way too small, the tension between us tightened.

We sat there for what felt like minutes before quickly withdrawing our hands. James cleared his throat and started re-tuning his guitar.

"Next tape?" I couldn't look at him, I busied myself with taking the tape off the reel and grabbing a new one from the box behind me.

The guitar stopped and I heard the chair roll across the floor as James got up. The floorboards creaked quietly as he stalked his way over, at first unsure but much more confident once he'd placed his hands on my hips. His fingertips were gripping my sides with the most pleasurable kind of pressure. I drew in a sharp breath as he leaned into my neck.

"I can stop if you want me to." His whisper sent shivers through me. I pulled his hands further around me, and he took the hint. I sighed as he peppered small kisses from the tip of my shoulder and up my neck, to bite at my earlobe gently.

He pushed his hips slowly forward, forcing me to steady myself on the studio case in front of me. A groan rumbled from his throat as I moved against the noticeable bulge he was digging into me. His rough fingers danced at the edge of my skirt, eventually sliding under the material to push it out the way.

"I need you." James almost whimpered and span me around. His eyes darkened, full of desire, flitting to my lips. He grabbed at my ass, digging his fingers deep into the flesh, and lifted me to settle his leg between mine.

His other hand came up to cup my face gently, his eyes fixed on my lips as he stroked his thumb along them. I gasped as he looked at me from under hooded eyes. I took his thumb in my mouth and swirled my tongue over the tip.

"Fuck." James moaned through gritted teeth.

He opened my mouth roughly with his thumb and pulled me closer. James looked me dead in the eye as he spat onto my tongue. His lips were on mine, electricity crackled between us.

"Hey...whoa, WHAT?!" Lars was in the doorway, "Did her...ADAM! VINNIE!" he took off down the corridor.

James hesitantly put me down and rushed out after Lars. I was alone in the cave. In shock, but in the best way possible. My head was swimming, I had to sit down.

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