Chapter 7

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The numbers on the clock flipped over to 10.15am. I'd been ready for an hour, so I was sitting on my couch thinking about my plan and hoping James turned up before I chickened out.

I fiddled with the edge of my delicate sundress as it reminded me of how soft his lips were last night. My vision went glossy as I savoured the memory of the desperate hold he had on my waist and the way he pulled me into his lap.

My patience was started to wear out when there was a knock at the door.

"Fi, it's me!" James' muffled voice called out.

Out of habit I still checked through the peephole. James was leaning against the pillar, fiddling with something in his hands. I felt like a voyeur as I took notice of how toned his arms were and how they tensed as he played with his keys.

I took a deep breath before opening the door. "Hey, I just need to put my shoes on!"

"No worries, take your time." James stepped in and closed the door behind him.

I bent over to tie up my boots before purposely asking James a question to get him to look over.

"So, did you like driving my car yesterday?"

"Yeah, it's quite comf-"

I looked over my shoulder to find a stunned James staring hungrily at my ass, just as I'd planned. His lips parted slightly as I lifted my dress to show a bare cheek and his eyes darkened at the invite.

"Fuck," James stepped over to me and brushed a rough hand over my bare cheeks, "We're already late."

"You're right. We should save it for later." I chirped, finally finished with tying up my boots.

Standing upright and heading for the door, I pulled James along by his wrist with a teasing grin on my face. He groaned childishly and gave in.

"This is absolute torture." James voiced his grievances all the way to his car.

The car ride was pleasantly tense. I kept catching him eyeing me up whenever we came to a red light. I crossed my legs to give him a show as the edge of my dress rode higher up my thigh. The tension was almost at breaking point when we pulled into the parking lot. James chuckled mischievously as he took the corner fast to make me slide closer to him on the bench seat. As the engine came to a rumbling stop, we turned to each other. My heart fluttered with his touch on my face, melting the world around me to centre all my attention on him.

"Today is gonna be the worst." His eyes swept over my body so slowly, it felt like he was undressing me, "I don't know how I'm going to keep myself away from you."

I'd almost forgotten Bob's threat. Maybe if I told him we'd talked it out, and just forget to mention the dirtier parts, Bob would forget about the threat too.

"You'll just have to be mature and professional; you've done that before right?" I poked at James to knock him out of his lust-haze.

I cursed myself for being the very thing I asked James to be. All I wanted was to drive off into the hills somewhere and tear the clothes off this man, and somehow, he felt exactly the same. Instead, we'd walked separately into the building in case Bob was waiting around the door.

The morning went slower than usual, thirty minutes felt like 3 hours but at least I had a lot of things on my to-do list today. Jason was coming in the the next day so I was prepping all the tapes we'd need to review. It kept my mind occupied for approximately 4 minutes before I started wondering what James was up to. I felt like I was fighting myself to keep organising all the notebooks and would have welcomed any kind of distraction.

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