The Lady of Winterfell

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She used to watch the snow fall for hours when she had been a little girl, a book on her lap she would get lost in for hours, resting on the ledge of the window, she would watch the snow fall, hear the wind outside and read books about the Age of Heroes.

But time was a cruel mistress; it kept moving on, the snow fell, it melted, and the dog she had when she was young grew up; she became fierce, her favorite dog. Her father had many hunting dogs, but Lacrima was her favorite. Her father used to say she would become their best hunting dog.

On the first hunt, her father returned, carrying Lacrima's body with a sled. A bear had gotten them. Lacrima had protected her father fearlessly, but the bear had shown no mercy. But the bear had been busy feasting on her to notice the axe from her father swinging down on her head.

Despite her father's wishes, Lyarra had grabbed a shovel and buried her dog herself. In the place just outside the walls, a place she loved to play with the other dogs they had.

They lived deep into the mountains. Their castle wasn't the fiercest in the North, but the way it was built, many considered it hard to be conquered. Her father had made sure to teach her hunting. She had been five name days when her father took her on the first hunt. With her crimson bow and arrow, she had killed four rabbits. She had wanted to hunt a deer she had seen, but her father had stopped her, telling her.

'My little girl. In nature all animals eat other animals to survive, that's how it has worked for thousands of years, even before the First Men, but animals hunt only as much as they need. Remember this, you already got four rabbits. That deer will run free, and possibly have children. Never hunt more than you need.'

But time kept moving; it never stopped, and it could never be stopped. Lyarra remembered when her father told her they were invited to Winterfell.

She remembered her first time meeting Rickard Stark, her first cousin; she had slapped him after he had insulted her, saying she was no different than the Wildlings beyond the Wall because she didn't eat properly.

But eventually, throughout the years, as they got to know each other, she started seeing him in a new light; she remembered him going to her home for the first time. He had apologized to her for calling her a 'Wildling' because they lived in the Mountains. Lyarra had accepted his apology.

One day, they were betrothed; Lyarra still remembered the first time she laid her eyes on Brandon. Her baby boy. She had thought to herself. 'How can a baby be so beautiful?

Now, as she walked through the snow, her feet effortlessly sliced through it like a hot knife. She felt like a ghost walking through the halls of the place she had called home for many years. She wanted to hear Brandon's voice and Rickard's snarky remarks. She wanted to see her precious little girl ride her horse, her laughter echoing through the walls.

Setting foot on the Crypts of Winterfell, she could feel the eyes of the past Starks, the Kings of Winter, their status judging her. At the foot of the stairs were the statues of two of the biggest Direwolves of House Stark.

Sōna and Morghon

The statues did them no justice; Sōna and Morghon were said to be giants amongst Direwolves, beasts that could never be truly tamed.

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