Chapter three

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She asked me If I wanna go out with her but I don't have interest.How do you tell somoene you don't feel the same.
I mean I suspected it from the beginning but hearing it out of her mouth is something else.
Leyla listen.
I don't like you in that way and I'm not attracted to girls."
Or am I.
I can't tell but I still like Daniel.I can't get over him.His face,eyes,Arms and Voice are still there.
I can't just forget him.
,,I'm sorry.Im really am.
I know how this feels but you need to understand I just don't feel the same."
Now I'm sounding like him after he broke up.I really do not want to hurt her but I need to tell her the truth.
She said and walked with her head down away without another word.It made me sad to see her like that.This hurt.And maybe I do like her.
But Daniel-
I stop myself from continuing this thought.
He basically abounded me.He hates me and broke up with me there is no way I have a Chance with him.

As I walk home I get a call.
It's from Daniel.
Why would he call me at this time or in genural.
I press the green button and put the phone at my ear.


                                            ,, Avery!Ave...
              my sweet Ave were are you?
               I need to tell you something."

I heard from his Voice that he is probably Drunk.And I heard partying in the background.
I hang up.
But than I see his name again.

,,Stop calling me Asshole!"

                       ,,I never will stop until  
                      you tell me who this guy
             was wich you met a year ago!"

He says sounding angry and disappointed.

What do you mean the guy-"

And than it hit me.
I know who he meant.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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