Spicy Hotpot

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With the malatang finally ready, Hao tried it first with a ladle, savoring the flavours. Seeing Hanbin's anticipation, he decided to share the experience, lifting a spoonful of the spicy broth towards his lips.

He blew gently to cool the scalding heat, Hanbin, reaching out, held Hao's wrist. Hao could feel his heart racing. As Hanbin tasted the flavorful broth, their eyes met, and for a brief instant, the world seemed to pause.

After a moment, Hanbin released Hao's wrist, a lingering warmth in the air as they both enjoyed it. Hanbin couldn't help but moan in delight as the first spoonful of the hotpot touched his taste buds.

Between satisfied bites, he started showering Hao with praises, "This is literally the best thing I've tried!"

Blushing at the compliments, Hao waved off the praises modestly, "Oh, it's nothing special. I just followed the recipe."

Hanbin, savoring another bite, insisted, "No, seriously, this is amazing. You've got some serious cooking skills."

Hao blushed again, "Stop giving me too much credit. I just enjoy making food for someone I like."

Hanbin echoed, warmth in his eyes. "I like the sound of that." Then he pretended to think for a moment, "As long as you're the chef, I'm sure everything will taste amazing."

With a shy smile, Hao chuckled, "Well, if you're enjoying it, that's all that matters."

Hanbin grinned and continued to savor the spicy hotpot. The older couldn't help but feel joy at his enjoyment.

However, the increasing beads of sweat on Hanbin's forehead caught Hao's attention.

"Hanbin, are you okay? It's not too much, is it?" Hao asked, a touch of worry in his voice. Concern placed on his face, he grabbed a tissue and gently wiped away the accumulating sweat and tears.

Hanbin, a bit surprised by the concern, chuckled, "It's definitely spicy, but I love it. Don't worry, I can handle the heat."

Hao, relieved to hear that, still felt apologetic, "I might have gone a bit overboard with the spice. I didn't mean to make it too hot."

Hanbin shook his head, still grinning, "No apologies needed. This is exactly the kind of spicy I was craving. It's in fact addicting."

Observing Hanbin's plump, red lips from the spice, Hao couldn't help but be captivated by the sight. The vibrant color seemed to highlight the intensity of the flavors.

Caught in the moment, Hanbin noticed the older's gaze and playfully gestured to his own lips as if inviting him to wipe them too.

Hao, feeling his heart quicken, obliged and gently wiped Hanbin's lips with the tissue. But the gesture sent a subtle shiver through him, and he couldn't help but glance away, a nervous flutter in his chest.

Hanbin, still grinning, teased, "Careful, the spice might have left a mark."

Hao chuckled nervously, "I... uh, didn't want you to have red lips....what if someone mistook you for wearing lipstick."

Hanbin laughed, "Well, thanks for saving me from that fashion disaster."

Having devoured the entire hotpot, Hanbin leaned back with a satisfied groan. His contentment was evident as he remarked, "Hao, this might be the best thing I've ever tasted. I feel like I can die happy now."

Instead of being content with the unexpected praise, Hao remained silent. Determined to break the tension, he replied with a heartfelt sincerity, "I'll make sure you don't die anytime soon."

Curious, Hanbin raised an eyebrow at the seriousness in the older's voice, "Why is that?"

Hao paused for a minute, then his eyes glistened with unshed tears. He hesitated before saying, "Because... I don't want to lose you, especially not soon or anytime later."

The weight of Hao's words hung in the air, the vulnerability of the moment deepening their connection. Quietness filled the kitchen.

Hanbin, taken aback by the unexpected depth of emotion, softened his expression and replied, "Hey, you won't lose me anytime soon."

Hao, almost on the verge of tears, managed a grateful smile. "I hope so," he whispered.

They sat in a shared silence. Trying to lighten the mood, Hanbin nudged the older playfully, "Come on, no more talk about dying. Let's focus on living, and eating more of your fantastic food."

Hao, gathering the dishes, nodded with a shy smile, "You're right."

As Hao went to put the dishes away, a sudden shattering noise echoed in the kitchen. Hastening back, his eyes widened in alarm as he saw Hanbin clutching his bleeding palm. Panic surged through him, and he rushed to Hanbin's side.

"Hanbin, what happened?" Hao asked, his voice tinged with worry, as he gently took Hanbin's injured hand.

"I accidentally knocked over a glass," Hanbin explained, wincing in pain. "Didn't think it would break like that."

Hao, at the sight of the younger in distress, couldn't help but express his concern. "Hold on, I'll get the first aid kit," he said, rushing to retrieve it from a nearby cabinet.

As he returned, Hao's hands trembled slightly as he opened the kit, his focus on treating Hanbin's injured hand. "This might sting a bit," he warned, reaching for antiseptic.

Hanbin winced as the antiseptic made contact, but he smiled appreciatively at Hao's care. Hao, still visibly shaken, managed a small smile, "Just....be more careful, okay?"

With the bleeding now under control and the wound dressed, Hanbin reassured Hao, "I'm fine, really. Accidents happen."

Hao, taking a deep breath to steady himself, nodded. After dressing Hanbin's wound, he couldn't help but express his emotions in a tender gesture.

Gently taking Hanbin's hand, he pressed a soft kiss to the injured palm. As he closed his eyes for a moment, a single tear rolled down his cheek.

Hanbin, surprised and touched by Hao's gesture, whispered, "Hao, I'm okay. It's just a little cut."

Hao, still holding the younger's hand, managed a smile. "I know, but... it scared me. I can't stand the thought of you getting hurt."

The vulnerability in his voice resonated, Hanbin, understanding the unspoken sentiments, gently wiped away the tear with his free hand.

As the weight of the moment settled, Hao realized the intensity of his emotions and the vulnerability he had exposed. Wiping away his tears, he looked at Hanbin with a mixture of embarrassment and regret.

"I'm sorry, Hanbin. I didn't mean to... I just got overwhelmed," Hao stammered, his voice wavering.

Hanbin, with a reassuring smile, gently cupped his face, "It's okay, Hao. Please don't apologize."

Feeling a flood of emotions, Hao hesitated before finally mustering the courage to speak, "Please, don't leave me. I... I can't bear the thought of losing you."

Hanbin, touched by Hao's vulnerability, pulled him into a comforting embrace. "I'm not going anywhere, Hao. We're in this together, okay?"


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