A journey

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The gang needed to travel to the town. Rapper though that they shall go with a style, so she picked up her cool latter jacket outfit. Then she guided them to the garage # stable, entering that place from outside, to impress the group when she will show what she have to show then. She was aiming (tried) to use her cool gangster like motor-bike, but for a plot twist in her story; she found only an empty place. "Oh F* I forgot, I let her borrow my steed. [horse/bike] (Shut!) Okay! New plan: We using the legs."

For some reason this statement triggers a divinary reaction on Priestess: "So the time finally arrived. It's a leg day."

The group quickly got into conclusion that going on feet is probably a best solution. Plus they don't even touch the topic of how they will be all riding a single bike. Especially when there was nowhere to see, anything that will look like as a carriage. Watson asked if she shall imagined something like a snow white horses caring a golden carriage for royal family in official state events. But whit no answer to that question, they just left that garage.



As they were on the road, the trio of senior students offered for the transfer students duo the opportunity to ask questions about the school. Takanashi was the first to jump for that opportunity and asked about the school principal. Remarkably, the question was (so heavy?) for the trio that they simultaneously stop walking to process it.

Confused Gawr, was wrinkling her eyes in all direction in (Wait a second. Do we have principal?) expression. The little one got curious as she turn to others. "Isn't she?... like a dead?"

That awake Ninomae from her trans. "No, no. Shes alive. But, not really acting as a principal. Like: (I am dead to you, my dear students.); is the primary aspect of the Academy principal."

Even Mori had a problem with that question and take on what priestess said. "Ye- Ye~eah, don't count that meeting with the principal will... solve anything."

But Watson gave them a suspicious look. "Sounds like someone who is in the position only on the paper and actually don't wanted it, or don't want to have anything with that role. Like if that person nerves snapped and says: (Feck this! [Fook it!] I done with this shit and all of yours! I am leaving!) And to this time, nobody take that statement serious enough to do something with that absence."

And of course Takanashi was displeased with what she got as an answer. "What the heck?! Then why this academia having a principal position in the first place?! Maybe I shall..."


She only uttered the first part of the idea when Calliope shouted at her (No!!) and Gura added emphasizing the issue (The wiza~~ards!) So the Phoenix asked just who is in the charge and Ina'nis give an explanation: (That will be probably Bae Hakos a chairman of the council team.) The transfers students duo exchanged they glances in realization of how tricky that short rat girl with a smug grin, must be to hold a power over entire Harp academy.


As they began to move again, Watson got curious. "Then what about Kronii? If I am correct, she must be the black haired member of the council."

It was Ninomae who lean to her, needing a confirmation. "Don't tell me she already somehow manage to challenge you onto a duel?"

A~and that was trigger for Gawr to shout at the blonde. "Drop it stupid!! Don't let her to trick you whit her noble woman appearance!"

Mori of course look at the issue from her angle. "Don't tel me its (Again) because me? Because she managed to win that rap battle. But she doesn't have her artifact partner. Wait, she doesn't know that Ame is a non-combatant."

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