Chapter twelve (Summer)

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In the beginning of this trip,I dreaded how slow time would pass,but i never thought  about how fast it would fly by after i started hanging out with Leo.

Leo. i had one week left with him and i didn't want to think about the end of Instead, I decided to cherish these last few days with him like we had all the time in the world.

I helped my dad with some paper works all morning,so he spared me at around noon,which left me to spend the whole evening with my friend,we started by having lunch at his grandparents restaurant where i ordered a classic pizza margherita,which i was going to miss a lot, we played some games,including Uno (which he beat me at twice for some reason),then we spent the rest of the day walking around the streets of Florence and talking about the most frivolous topics possible,though i couldn't stop noticing his fidgeting and constant glances at me,like he wanted to tell me something,i stopped in my tracks and looked at him,his pupils were so dilated i could see my reflection "ever since we left the restaurant you've been acting strange,is there something you want to tell me Leo?" i asked, to which he replied "you know i should ask you the same" what? Is he dodging my question? "No i'm not avoiding your question" he said "how-" "well besides the fact that i know you really well,your facial expressions are very obvious,but that's not the point right now,what i was talking about is how we never discussed what happened at Andie's birthday or should i say what almost happened",the almost kiss.ever since that night ,it has been in the back of my mind but i thought i was the only one who hadn't forgotten about it,i took a deep breath and said "well i didn't think it was such a big deal to the point where it should be discussed,and anyway it's not like it would have meant anything since we're just frien-" i never got to finish my sentence,one minute he was standing in front of me then his lips were on mine.

Now if my brain was fully functioning i would have talked about how romantic it was, and how he held me like his life depended on it ,but my mind blacked out for a hot minute, until i saw his eyes,his beautiful green eyes and realized what had  happened,i wanted to say something,anything to break the silence but all that came out was a sigh ,that is until he said in a breathless voice "i didn't have the words to tell you what it meant to me so i decided to show you,i'v been in denial for weeks but I've come to terms with it at last,and if kissing you wasn't obvious then ill just say it outright,i'm falling in love with you Daphne and  whether you feel the same or not  you still have a right to know" i was speechless and in awe all the same ,and honestly i was falling for him too,but i didn't know how any of it could work in the future,so i didn't think about the future ,i just kissed him again,in the present,the future would figure it out.

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