chapter twenty two

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We all went inside and spotted an ice cream store. We waited in a long line but it was worth it as we all enjoyed our ice cream in silence l was very surprised by the little girl she seemed so quiet and disciplined. "I will be right back l need to use the bathroom." I nodded and he left the girl looked scared. "Hey im not-" Before l could finish my sentence she ran off l quickly got out of my chair and ran after her. but there were a whole lot of people and l could not find her in the crowd until l did. l saw her being carried by a mysterious man l quickly ran up to him but he sprinted off once he saw me. I ran after him through the crowd of people. "Stop!" I shout while running. the man took a lot of turns but l memorized it and managed to be on his tail. soon enough we were at the back of the mall the man entered a huge pipe and l followed, my feet started to hurt and my heart was pumping out of my chest but l didn't give up on the chase. after three minutes of running through a big pipe l saw three big men standing at the end l knew l was no match for them they looked like bodybuilders. The three men came up to me and l wanted to run away but if l did l would live with the guilt from not saving the poor girl. Before l could do anything they grabbed both of my arms l tried to fight back but it did not help at all. "Let me go!" l shouted but they did not listen instead they tied me up to a chair. "What do you want?" l ask at the egde of crying. "l wanted my daughter back." The man holding the girl says. "Now both of you need some punishing. Let's see how you will do with starving to death here." the man ties up the girl and laughs. "Come on boys." they all left l didn't know what to do l didn't have my phone l had nothing at all. All l could do was cry these ropes were very tight there was no way l was getting out of this. while crying l heard a voice. "Hello?" l looked to the side to see the little girl awake she looked like she was in distress. "Where am l. Help!" she yelped but nothing happened she looked towards my direction and looked terrified. "You again!" she says hyperventilating. "Hey hey hey hey hey. Im here to help you im not here to hurt you we both got tied up here but it's okay l have a plan." the girl looked down at the ground. "Okay."

for the next one hour l tried everything to get out of these damn ropes but nothing worked and l soon just fainted from dehydration.

when l woke up the little girl was sleeping l could hear some crickets and this place smelled like total shit l was determined to get out of this shitty pipe. l thought about biting it even though my teeth would not thank me l had to do it for me and the little girl. so l bit away and after biting for what seemed forever l got out of the ropes l rejoiced before untying my feet. Now I turned my focus to the little girl and once l was done untying her she was awake I thought she would run away or something like the other time but instead she hugged me. l embraced her hug. "Lets go." She nodded and held onto my hand. we walked out of the pipe and looked for a security guard in the mall and it was empty until the alarm rang. The little girls breathing got rapid but l assured her that she would be safe. Soon security guards came down running towards us. "Put your hands up in the air." l do as they say. "Can you please help us we were trapped in that pipe for a very long time and we need your help."

"Ma'am we need you to get out we can not help you with that." they were useless l just carried on out of the mall as they escorted us. Now l was lost l started to walk in different directions it was very late out and we were scared but l knew l had to protect the girl at all cost. l soon spotted masons car and l knew it had to be his because there was a certain style only his car had. But soon l realized l was imagining it all and everything blurred and blackened.

When l woke up l was laying on the side of the road with the little girl hugging me tightly l felt dizzy as hell and l saw blue and red flashes of light l could see the sun and l fell asleep again.

When l woke up for the third time l was in the hospital l felt ten times better now. l looked to the side to see the little girl that l had saved l was glad she was safe l put my head onto the pillow and relaxed while watching sports on the far distant television. Until l realized l missed my history test and the teacher would make no exception on missing it whether l was sick or got kidnapped. If l didn't show up l would get the biggest zero in the world. l started to panic and something started to beep in the hospital. Two nurses entered my room and saw me having a panic attack. "Let me out let me out!" I tried to get out of the hospital bed but they held me down. "Ma'am you will need to calm down."

"No please! I need to pass my history test." I started to cry. "You can rewrite it we will make sure you do okay?" I nodded and l slowly started to calm down. "Good just relax." The nurses started to let me go slowly l laid back onto my bed and closed my eyes until l heard a door open l imediatly got up and looked around to spot my mother she ran up to me and hugged me tightly l could hear little cries coming out of her mouth. "Oh my god sweetie you're finally awake."

"Mom can we get out of here l need to do my history test." I say with furrowed eyebrows. "Honey come on dont worry about that right now you need to worry about your health." l guess she was right l had to worry about myself first especailly in this condition. "Okay." I sigh. "Now just lay down sweetie and relax for a bit." I nodded and closed my eyes again soon falling asleep.

Once l woke up l could see the moon how many hours passed by? I didnt know but l knew l wanted to get out of this hospital or l would miss another test. I looked to the side to see mason he looked shocked then he hugged me. "Oh my god lm so happy you're awake." He says with a smile l smile l
A bit. "Uhh yeah." The door opens again and it was my mom. Hon...what the hell! Get off my daughter!" She pushes mason off of me. "Woah woah mom!"

"No no no l dont want to see him near you!" She shouts l sighed. "I like him."

"I dont care now come." She helps me out of bed and pushes me towards the door l looked towards mason again and he had his flowers in his hands he looked sad l felt my eyes get heavier by the second but l just breathed in and out and followed my mothers lead. We got to her car and l got into the back and crossed my arms. "You can stay mad at me forever but im doing this for a good cause." I didnt even bother to say a word to her nonsensical sentence.

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