Chapter 15, Virgil's POV

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Recap: Five years seemed to always be the cut off for my family. Five blissful years, and the rest of a lifetime spent with misery. If I accept the soulmate bond and get closer to Roman, could I really only handle being with him for five years and without him for the rest of my life. 

I headed upstairs after my conversation with my dad. I didn't want to think about soulmates or the bond, so I did the only sensible and mind-numbing thing I could think of; I started doing my homework. 

On the fifth question, I noticed a message scrawled across my arm. "Hey, my parents are wondering when they can meet you, no pressure though." No pressure...right. So much for my attempt on forgetting for a bit. I still couldn't believe he was so willing to take the known risk. 

I realized a couple minutes had gone by and I still hadn't replied. Taking my pen I wrote back, "Does Friday after school work?" I figured two days might give him the chance to reconsider having me meet his parents. Although from what I know of him, there's a fat chance of that. I sighed yet again. I'm not the "meet the parents" type of person, what on earth have I gotten myself into. 

"There's really no pressure, my dads are great if not a bit eccentric; you'll love 'em." Yeah I'm sure they will when they learn I'll be the reason their son dies an untimely death. Can't wait for that blame. 

I wrote back, "What if they don't like me..." I hoped he would get the hint that they most likely wouldn't like me due to the curse on my family. There's no way he wouldn't have told them by now, after all it's not like I told him to keep it a secret. I really wish I had now. 

"They'll LOVE you!" came the next message on my arm. Maybe he hasn't told them, or maybe he's just extremely optimistic. 

"If you say so..." I'm starting to get the feeling I can't just hint with him, but I have to be more blunt with what I mean. That's something to worry about for later though, right now all I can think about is what disastrous thing I'll end up saying by accident or ruining the evening with his parents in two days.

Not receiving another message back, I went back to doing my homework. I should've known it wouldn't be a quiet evening however. "Are you busy?" I almost laughed. My mind was always busy and for once I was actually doing my homework on time instead of the following morning playing 'who can finish faster, the teacher collecting the homework or me finishing it.'

"Kinda, I'm working on my history homework." I wrote, and then as an afterthought added, "Why, what's up?" 

It wasn't long before his next message appeared on my arm. "I just have a few questions, but they can wait until tomorrow." That seemed a bit out of character for him. 

"If they can't wait until tomorrow here's my number," underneath the message I added my phone number. Not even two seconds later I got a text. 

R: Greetings handsome soulmate of mine

That was a bizarre way of starting a text thread, it's not like we accepted the bond yet. 

V: Are you always so formal? 

Realizing I forgot to actually greet him back I quickly texted again. 

V: Also hi

R: If my questions make you uncomfortable, you don't have to answer them 

It was sweet of him to consider my anxiety in this whole ordeal, but the more sweet he was the more guilty I felt. 

V: Okay, what are they?

My anxiety was slowly increasing with each message. 

R: They're mainly about the curse, don't think that with these questions I'm changing my mind about you because I'm not

I'm sure he meant that as reassurance, but I almost hoped he would change his mind.

V: The longer you don't ask the more my anxiety grows...

I really wish I hadn't been that honest with him, but my anxiety was through the roof at this point. Not only for not knowing the questions, but also him not being willing to change his mind. 

R: Is there an estimate for the inevitable? 

I should've known that would be his first question, to figure out how long he'd have for the rest of his life. 

V: Yeah...five years

I secretly wished that would deter him from wanting to be with me, regardless of the fact he said he wouldn't change his mind about me. 

R: When does that countdown start?

Was he being serious? He's really that willing to be with me even though it means he dies? I don't understand, he doesn't even know me. 

V: The second we both accept the bond

R: When do you want to make us official? 

He's actually serious. Maybe I can convince him against it before the deadline. 

V: As close to the deadline as humanly possible without it seeming to the universe that we're rejecting it. 

I hope I can talk him into rejecting it and living a long life. 

R: So the Winter Solstice? 

V: Yeah...

R: My, how romantic of you

That message had me blushing against my will. 

V: Ha ha; go do your homework, I've got to finish mine

I put my phone down on my desk and tried with all my might to get the last of my homework done. When that proved to be useless, I got up disregarding my homework until tomorrow morning and grabbed my phone and headphones. 

Placing my music on shuffle, I nearly groaned when the first song came on. I was hoping to be distracted but my music clearly had a different plan in mind. 

Love of mine, someday you will die

That was too relatable in my situation. 

But I'll be close behind, I'll follow you into the dark 

If my dad was anything to show for that, I'd definitely be following into the dark of depression. 

No blinding light or tunnels to gates of white / Just our hands clasped so tight, waiting for the hint of a spark 

I don't know why I decided to leave the song on, maybe to make myself feel even more guilty if we actually went through with accepting the bond. 

If Heaven and Hell decide that they both are satisfied 

I'd definitely feel like I was in Hell if I caused Roman's death. 

Illuminate the "no's" on their vacancy signs / If there's no one beside you when your soul embarks / Then I'll follow you into the dark 

I remember how my other dad passed away, no one was with him. I wondered if the same would be true for Roman. I tried to push the thought out of my head, failing miserably. 

In Catholic school, as vicious as Roman rule / I got my knuckles bruised by a lady in black / And I held my tongue as she told me, "Son, / Fear is the heart of love," So I never went back 

Fear really is the heart of love, I feared everything about love and accepting the bond with Roman. If anything, this song just confirmed that I have to convince him being with me is a bad idea. 

Deciding not to listen to it anymore, I turned off my go to playlist and threw on 80s metal instead. At least that was the safer option than my emo songs that all seemed to be about love or death. 

I don't remember falling asleep, but when I woke up my phone was dead and it was four in the morning. I groaned and reached over for my charger and plugged my phone in. I rolled back over, hoping to get more sleep but knew I wouldn't. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04 ⏰

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