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Amelia's POV

"I'm thinking maybe not tonight Ona. It's getting late and I should really just go shower and rest..."

"Are you afraid?" Shit.

"I just think there may be better times to meet them? I am really gross and its getting late. Another time?" I smiled nervously, but she caved in and gave a small nodd.

"What about breakfast tomorrow?"

"Oh so you just want me to get terrible sleep then?" I laughed as I walked towards the garage to change.

"I want you to meet my friends!" Ona laughed as she followed me in. I unzipped my race suit as she did the same.

"Maybe soon, but we should just be together for a bit. Besides I want to talk to my dad about us first..." I told her shyly, but she seemed to understand.

"Does your dad know that you like girls Amelia?" Ona asked me curiously and I shook my head.

"I didn't know that I liked girls..." I admitted shyly. I have never had a relationship before. I've always convinced myself that I'm too busy to date.

Ona changed my mind on that. She knows that I focus heavily on my career, but she didn't know that this is my first real relationship and it's all moving a little fast. Someone like her probably has been through so many relationships. She's so pretty and popular.

"He's going to be okay with that?"

"My dad's not the type to care if I like guys or girls...but he may care about me having a relationship. I know at first he may just see it as a distraction..."

"That's not good. Was he upset during your last relationship?" Ona asked me curiously. I realized I set myself up to be caught.

"Yeah about that..."

"No way! Amelia, you've never been in a relationship?" Ona laughed as she walked over and wrapped her arms around me. I blushed as I gave a small nod.

"Cute." She kissed my cheek and held me close to her. I smiled before moving to kiss her. It still felt odd to kiss a girl who was now my girlfriend. Not that Ona is the first girl I kissed, but the first one I would continue to do so.

"So let me talk to him first?"

"Of course." Ona pulled out of the hug and held our hands between us for a moment before continuing to take off the race suit.

"I really like you Amelia, so we just need to keep communicating and we can make this distance thing work. As for telling your father, you can wait if you'd like. We have no need to rush for anything. You have a career to focus on still. I don't want to be the cause of any stress, okay my love?"

I blushed and raised my eyebrows with a big smile on my face. My love. How adorable!

"What?" Ona asked me confused as she began blushing now.

"I like the way you say my love."

"Oh, well you are. I am a very lucky girl. I managed to meet the most beautiful and talented woman." Ona's words were music to my ears.

"One would say I'm the fastest woman in the world...well driver that is. There isn't any girl that's been able to reach the level I'm at. I appreciate you understanding how important my career is." I smiled to myself as I finished getting dressed into normal clothes.

"Come back to the hotel with me? Maybe I could just introduce you and get it over with? My father's a very reasonable person. I promise he'll love you!" I was growing excited with my plan. I really like Ona and I believe my father will to.

"Okay wait you're scared to meet my friends, but you want to tell your father?!" Ona looked at me shocked and I giggled to myself.

"No you can't just giggle like that." Ona ran over to me wrapping me in her hold from behind and swinging me around.

"Can't keep your hands off of me Batlle."

"I don't want to." I felt her whisper against the back of my ear and goosebumps raised across my full body.

"Unfortunately we are in a semi public place Ms. Batlle. Why don't you come back to my hotel room with me? No possible interruptions." I smirked as I turned around in her hold.

"Only the possibility of your father finding out the wrong way."

"I've always been his bold daughter."

"Are you asking me to have sex right now?"

"Would that be a bad thing?"

"Well it feels rather soon...?"

"Yeah-I'm sorry I got a little excited I suppose maybe I'm trying to rush things because I know I only have a certain amount of time with you." I looked down ashamed.

"We have all the time in the world."

"But we are both always traveling our paths have now crossed twice, but now I'm not sure when I will have the opportunity to see you next. Why didn't I think about this before falling for you..."

Ona stepped forward taking my hands in hers. She gently pulled me forward and her left hand to cup my face.

"We will be quite alright my love. The universe put you in front of me once and brought you back to me once again. If we are meant to work the world will continue to align our paths."

"I can only hope you are correct."

Even if I felt the opposite.

"Let's get you back to your hotel. Then I shall leave you to speak with your father. I want you to tell him, but alone. It is important that you let him know this on your own."

Ona ran her thumb across my cheek. Her eyes telling me more than her mouth ever could. Ona had those eyes. Those eyes told me there was something more beautiful in the world than racing. There was something I could possibly fall in love with past speed.

I was falling in love with this girl.

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