Hanging Out With 1-A Girls

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A couple minutes later The Demon Guardian Angels, the five anthro cats, Eri, Kota, Izuku's true childhood friends, Shinso, Class 1-B, The Big Three, Mei, the other two students in the general studies course, the seven fakes and the rest of The UA Staff finally arrived back at UA University. The students (minus Izumi, The Bakugo and Todoroki twins) and UA Staff (minus All Might and Green Telek) had asked The Demon Guardian Angels, the five anthro cats, Eri and Kota what was it that Baxter had wanted to talk to them about and they told them that it's something that they were gonna tell them about soon but they'll just have to wait cause it was a surprise. The others were confused but just said ok cause whatever it was it had to be either good or shocking.

While walking back the seven fakes had not said a word but just kept sulking and feeling sorry for themselves. This annoyed the living hell out of everyone cause after that fucking stunt they had just pulled and everything else those assholes did including what was secretly discovered they had no fucking reason to feel sorry for themselves and had to finally learn to accept the consequences of their actions. But a part of them all knew that sadly those douchebags never will.

Anyway when everyone got back the seven fakes ran upstairs to their rooms to keep throwing their temper tantrums which made everyone roll their eyes at their bratty as fuck behavior. The others just went into the common room to talk about what happened today and the students felt very proud of themselves since they all passed the test and proved themselves to one of the top anti-hero groups in the entire world. But unlike the five brats they knew not to let it go to their heads cause they still had some ways to go to become pro heroes.

While talking Izuku, Uraraka, Tsu, Hakagure, Kyoka, Momo and Mina looked at each other for a second and then looked away while blushing. Everyone else noticed this and smiled since Izuku's harem was willing to share him. Octavia, Charile, Vaggie, Helsa and Annabelle had the biggest smiles along with Blitz, Eri and Kota. When Izuku told the girls about his female childhood friends that he also had feelings for they all told him that they were ok with sharing him with those six girls since they were always there for Izuku and helped him through his darkest times before he found his way to them. They wanted to give Izuku some alone time with them so they started thinking how. A couple seconds later they had an idea and smiled at each other.

"Girls are you thinking what I'am thinking?" whispered Octavia excitedly.

"Oh yeah we are Via." Vaggie whispered with a smirk.

"Ok we'll tell the others about it when Izu and the girls are not there." whispered Octavia.

"Got it Via!!!!!!!!" Charlie whispered with while giving a big thumbs-up.

The other girls smiled and nodded. Two hours later Izuku, Uraraka, Tsu, Hakagure, Kyoka, Momo and Tsu started to get really tired early and had decided to go to bed early so they went to their rooms. The other two students in the general studies course had already went into their rooms to call their parents about the amazing day they had. When they were gone Octavia, Charlie, Vaggie, Helsa and Annabelle ran up to the rest of The Demon Guardian Angels, the five anthro cats, Eri, Kota, the 1-A boys, Class 1-B, The Big Three and Mei with very excited grins.

"What has gotten you and the others girls excited my Owlette?" asked Stolas with an amused grin.

"Well dad the girls and me just had an incredible idea." Octavia answered excitedly.

"What is it?" asked Verosika.

"Well as you all can tell the girls from 1-A have a crush on Izuku." Annabelle said.

"And since we are willing to share Izu with them we wanted to give them some alone time with him and so we came up with this really great plan." said Helsa.

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