12 1 0

August 29th, 2008
12:30 pm

Monster King: I'm still honestly pissed off about the fact that life isn't done with us yet, to be honest. Just gonna throw that out there.

Will: Yeah.. I feel you.. we already fought one war, seen our friends die in front of our eyes..

Luke: Life is rough when you're a demigod.

Clarisse: As much as I still hate you a bit for betraying us and causing that war in the first place Luke, you're right. Life for our kind is never easy.

Monster King: Now here we are, having survived one war.. only to find out we're going to have to  do this all over again. Like, the fates can go fuck off.

Luke: can they even hear us on this?

Lou Ellen: probably not.

Luke: that's a relief. But yeah.. this is just stupid.

Monster King: tell me about it.

Monster Queen: The fates really like to torture us, don't they?

Luke: At this point, I'm certain of it.

Will: This is Austin. Will is having a panic attack right now.

Monster King: Oh shit. I'll be right over.

Monster Queen: me too.

Luke: How often has this happened?

Will: This is the third time since the battle.

Luke: yikes. I really do feel sorry for all that I've done.

Percy: Apology accepted.

Luke: Thanks Percy.

2:30 pm

Annabeth: Someone please tell me why in the hell the guys are all down at the forge?

Monster Queen: Beckendorf has managed to reverse engineer a stick grenade like that used by the Germans from World War II that uses Greek fire.

Annabeth: oh god..

Katie: yeah.. I don't like the sound of that..

Clarisse: sounds awesome, if you ask me..

Thalia: yeah totally Clarisse. I mean, stick grenades that use Greek Fire.. sign me up!

Annabeth: you two love violence a bit too much, don't you?

Zoe: It's a Hunter thing, Annabeth. This is normal. And I say that for Thalia at least.

Annabeth: is it though?

Rachel: hey, are the guys supposed to be at the forge?

Monster Queen: they should be, yeah. Why?

Rachel: their heads all just turned to the west like they heard something and just went into the woods with weapons at the ready.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20 ⏰

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