Chapter 7 - Breakfast with Baba Sa

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Urvashi Pov : -

" Gudiya....Baba Sa has invited you for breakfast tomorrow."

And i choked on my food, cough!!!cough!!!

Bhai Sa patted my back, made me drink water,

And asked,

" Are you fine, you want more water." Feeling a little better, once again thinking, what Bhai Sa just told me about breakfast, i shook my head.

I never thought Baba Sa will approach me first. I was remembering those days when he never spoke or even looked at me. As Bhai Sa flicked my forehead, I looked at him,

He said,

" I told you to not zone out, Gudiya...did you even listen to what i said ?"

Squinting his eyes, he said again,

" What are you thinking? "

After taking a deep breathe looking out of the window,

I said,

" It's nothing, Bhai Sa.... it's my first time meeting Pitaji Maharaj, I'm nervous." Looking at him again smiling but hiding my pain in it.

He observed my face and said,

" I'll be with you the whole time, laado.... whenever you want to leave, just tell need to force yourself, alright." Smiling as he stood up from the couch to wash his hand,

Feeling a bit ease, I answered him

" Thank you, Bhai Sa."

After dinner, Bhai Sa retired to his respective chambers, tomorrow my every move should be calculated, Baba Sa's favour is significant for my whole strategy.

Taking off my jewelleries, placing them on the dresser table, tugging out my uttariya from my antriya, kept it on my couch, i layed down in the middle of my bed, quilt till my pelvic, only wearing my stanapatta and antriya.

Eyes on the roof of my chambers,

Thinking about the statutes, that if a mistress gives birth to an Emperor's child, that child is counted as an Imperial family member, and titled as Prince and Princess, however if that child's mother passes away than the child's responsibility will be given to the Empress, the Queen nurtures that child under her wings, right now that vile woman has authority over me, there is only one way to replace my nurturer, and it can only be possible if Baba Sa himself takes the charge in his hand to raise me,

In my case Baba Sa sent me Gurukul when i was three, i can't reminiscence those three years of my life, why did Baba Sa apart me from him and Bhai Sa, what was the need of my father to send his three years old daughter this far. And,

Who is my real Mother ?

Revenge is not the only thing i have planned but also to find my Mother's identity, who was she, does she ever thought of me as her daughter, or was it just because I'm an Imperial blood so she had to bore me,

Everything is wearing me out, i don't have split second to eat and play, it's high time i should get my priorities in line,

Taking deep breaths to serene my intellect, an unknown flowery mist engulfed me,

Fragrance of flowers swirling came from the balcony's door, making me drowsy, exhaustion took over me, that fragrance perceives unlike my gardens bloom, it's making me loose my sense.

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