Chapter 26 : Plan & Summon

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I didn't want to but still updated today and please don't upset me again, because whenever I get upset, I shop crazily and it costs me pretty enough to purchase a months survival,

I've bought 15 different series which makes 45 books in total and I don't even like some of them,

They will be giving eggs in a few days for all i care because I don't have time to read them.

So just don't ignore me again, you can blame it on ' Me being the youngest child' problem, because i get burns when I don't get attention.
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Happy Reading,

Baba Sa already went back to his chambers, but i asked Shekhar and Mehrooni to stay behind,

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Baba Sa already went back to his chambers, but i asked Shekhar and Mehrooni to stay behind,

Both of them sat before me, staring at each other to figure out what's going on, the atmosphere grew awkward as we all were not on good terms since yesterday.

I cleared my throat to get their attention, and uttered,

“ So…yesterday..,” they were staring at me, making me feel irritated, “ Yesterday I should have handled the condition more collectively and I know that you two were culpable,” they gave me a done look which I ignored, “....So, I have decided to forgive you and hope that your heart is full of repentance,…Shekhar you can continue to be your Bhabhi Ma Sa’s bodyguard and Mehrooni, you can stay here with your Bhabhi Sa, there's no need to go back,” I completed and it took everything to not snap at them for staring as if i have said uncertain syllables.

“ Do you two not have anything to say ? ” An eyebrow hitched up watching them jammed their mouth which never in my life I had seen so quiet,

Shekhar shifted in his place and muttered,

“ You said yourself and I quote, ‘ You are no longer my brother ’ now i do not think my words means anything to you when i am a ‘Nobody’,”

Before I could say Mehrooni interjected,

“ Yes, He is right, who are we ?, it is not like our words hold importance to you or anything, Urvashi is nothing to us but she is only yours and yours only, we do not consider her as our sister-in-law already right ?, is it not why we came here leaving everything behind in our kingdom Rajveer because she is no one to us and you are the only one who has got the right to choose who will be with her and who will be thrown away when you want,” Her eyes turned glassy, “ You are making us feel like your acquaintance not your siblings, you are not like our playful and carefree brother anymore, you just glare and scold us now, it is not like we want all the space in your life but it is like you do not care about anyone expect Urvashi, not that I do not want you to love her or that we are jealous or we do not like her but I wanted to remind you that we are also in your life and it seems you are replacing us,” Her voice tinted in hurt and guilt slammed hard in my chest, She is right, I did not regard their feelings when it comes to Aashi,

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