Talk of the Town

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Pov:Gajeel Redfox

"Stupid Salamander.." I mumbled, holding Salamander above the water so he could breath.

"Shut up.." he said.

I rolled my eyes and swam back to shore, tossing him on the ground.

"Ow! Trying to give me a concussion?" He exclaimed, sitting up and staring at me.

"Let's just head back to the Guild." I said, standing up and walking back.

Salamander stood up and followed suit behind me. Neither of us said anything and just stayed silent. When we made it back we were instantly met with the sound of one of our songs.

"Hey guys, have you heard this new song? It's by a group called '7-Ri no gurūpu'." Lucy asked.

Me and Salamander looked at each other and then back at everyone else.

"Oh really? Never heard of them or any new songs." We lied.

"They're probably a new group, but man are their music good! Like their song 'Fuck this Town'." Lucy commented.

"I prefer the song 'Dangerous'." Erza chimed.

"Their song 'Parents' is also good." Levy said.

"Oh, how many songs do they have?" I asked.

"Only four so far, but they're all soo good!" Levy smiled.

Me and Salamander both smiled and walked over to everyone else, listening to our songs.

"Where'd Laxus, Erik and Rogue go?" Salamander asked.

"Laxus went on a mission, Erik as well and Rogue went back to Sabertooth to help with something." Mirajane answered.

"Oh okay," Salamander said, going over to a table with Wendy and sitting down.

I followed him and sat down as well.

"Looks like everyone enjoys our music," Wendy smiled, looking around at the other Guild members.

"Yup, oh also I was thinking of a new song idea." Salamander announced to us.

"Really? Do you have an idea on the lyrics?" I asked, biting on a piece of iron.

"Something like this, 'So far away, we wait for the day. For the lives all so wasted and gone. We feel the pain of a lifetime....' and then something, something. Watcha think?" He asked.

"Sounds good! But that sounds more like it would play a little later in a song." Wendy commented.

"Yeah, so that means I have to come up with a beginning.." Salamander said.

"Yup, well, better get to it." I smirked, slapping him on the back, but not enough to hurt him.

Salamander rolls his eyes and does his stupid grin. Suddenly the familiar sound of the Guild doors is heard and we all turn our attention to them.

"Have any of you seen Sting?" The red cat Lector asked, walking in with near teary eyes. "We haven't been able to find him.." he barely managed to say.

Salamander's eyes widen and he instantly runs out the doors.

"Gajeel look in forest, Wendy look in the town and I'll take a look from the sky, c'mon Happy!" Salamander shouted.

"Aye sir!" The blue exceed Happy exclaimed, flying over to Salamander and carrying him into the sky.

We followed his orders and began looking around, he most likely told only me and Wendy due to our sharp sense of smell. I looked through the forest, trying to pick up any sense of the blonde idiot. I was about to head back until I caught the scent of a dragon, I quickly turned back around and began following the scent.

I followed the scent back to the idiot Salamanders house and went inside, looking around it led me to the back of the house. I opened the back door and there and behold was the blonde idiot, Sting. I walked over to him.

"What the hell do you want? Here to tell me you and Natsu are planning a wedding or some shit like that?" He was quick to suggest.

"Ew! Me and Salamander? Ain't no way that would ever happen, so might as well get it out your head now. Listen, what I did back there was just a joke, it didn't mean anything. I just like seeing the annoying faces of you and Salamander. Plus, I could never have feelings for Salamander, after all it's more of a 'frenemies' kind of dynamic, so you don't have to worry." I explained, crossing my arms and looking towards the setting sun.

Sting looked down at the ground and then back up, looking over at me and then smiling.

"I guess I was quick to accuse, huh?" He joked, rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's no biggie, let's just head back before Lector loses his mind trying to figure out where you're at." I grinned.

"Shit! How bad is he!?" Sting quickly asked.

"Well, he was on the verge of crying when he told us, so by now.. probably crying now." I suggested.

Sting looked sorry and began talking about how he over reacted and how he was sorry. I told him it was okay and we made our way back to the Guild. He saw Salamander and Lector hugging each other, crying like little babies.

"Oi, Salamander, I found him." I shouted out.

His head quickly turned towards us and both of them started running towards Sting, tackling him to the ground and hugging him, still somewhat crying.

"You idiot! Where'd you go!?" Lector shouted.

I just stood there and grinned at them, shaking my head.

"Natsu!! Stop using your fire before you cook me!" Sting exclaimed, quickly standing up and avoiding Salamanders fire.

"I can't help it! You had both me and Lector worried!" Salamander protested.

I didn't care to stick around much longer and just started walking away. I headed back inside the Guild and sat down at the bar.

"Oi! Tomorrow Wendy, Laxus, Erik, Gajeel, Sting, and Rogue meet at my house. We need to talk!" Salamander shouted, waving his fist in the air at me.

Everyone looked at him confused on why he only called out the dragon slayers but none questioned, not bothering to even understand the pink haired idiot.

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