Not changing our bond

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"Are you ok??"Win asked as soon as they done with their nasty things.

"I'm fine Mr.Win."Team start wearing his shirt as soon as he answered.

"So, you not gonna stay here tonight?" Win questioned him in surprise as it's never happened before. Whenever they do this thing together Team sleep in his room but he refused it first time.

"I have to do some work." "So, I have to go home." Team refused. It's not like he don't want to stay but his professor attitude bothering him from past few weeks.

"Alright." Wait a min I drop you....

"No, it's fine." "You should sleep." Team leave Win house after refusing his suggestion of giving him a drive.

Team and Win's benefits stuff started almost three months before and since then they both are sleeping with each other. They both taking advantage of each other body almost every day. His professor Win don't want any romantic feelings between them so, they didn't talk much with each other. And of course Noone can doubt them in university except their close friends.


When professor asked me to sleep in his room, it's not like I don't wanted to. "But he always told me that he can never love someone or even if he ever fall in love with anyone than he will still choose to stay away from that person but than why?? WHY ?? Why he always asked me if I'm alright or not after sex??" This thing really pissed me off Sammy. Team said.

"Team I know you are stressed but still keep your volume down." You are in university campus. Sammy gave Team a reality check.

I know. I just forgot that, Noone know about our relationship in the campus.Team said in a low tone.

"So, you are saying you have feelings for professor's Mr.Win??" Pharm asked with a smile.

To be honest I really don't know. But I definitely have a soft corner for him. I know he said he don't want any emotional thing in our relationship but still he care so much about me?? Team said it a little emotionally.

Sammy hold Team hand softly. Team, I know you had a crush on professor WIN back than. Maybe that's why you feeling this kind of thing.

Pharm noded. "Team What exactly make you feel like he care about you ??"

Team flustered with this question but still he wants to be honest with his childhood friends. " Like he always asked my permission before doing anything with me." As you know we already agree with benefits thing than Why he have to asked everytime??

Sammy sigh. OMG Team, maybe he don't wanna force you, that's why he asked.  But...but it's so romantic.

"Shut up Sammy." Team shouted. "Than why he always help me clean my body after that stuff??" Huh???

Pharm smile and said I don't know why but he is definitely a gentleman. He asked for consent, clean your body and make sure you will be okay after sex.

(There is no way team will not be agree with this point.) "I know. He is so wild on bed but so tender in real life."

Sammy smirk before speaking. "WILD huh??" Does he have a good body?? Don't tell me he make you moan everytime he touch you?? How you feel  when he touch you and how you feel when he kiss you on your lips?? Sammy asked all questions in a single breath.

But Sammy's questions make Team a little sad. Pharm and Sammy notice sadness in his eyes. "Team what happened??" You can tell us. We are your friends.

Team take a deep breath and close his eyes before speaking. We never kissed.

WHAT??WHAT?? They both shouted together. People around them start looking towards them.

Shhh, keep your volume down.Team said. "Actually I really don't know how his lip feel cause we never kissed."

Sammy roll her eyes in disbelief , you  said you are sleeping around with him. Don't tell me you both done everything but kiss.

To be honest yes we never kissed. Team  accept honestly. (Along) We never kissed because he don't want to. I really  wanna know how it's feels but still I can't do that. After all we never talked heart to heart.(Aloud) Forget everything, I don't wanna talk about it.

Sammy saw the sadness in Team's eyes."Relex Team, everything gonna be alright."  Let's go we have a special class today.

Don't tell me you both going to attend history lecture today. Team sigh in disbelief. I think today's event also go down in history.

Team try to irritate them and it's work. They both now acting like some child.
And they walk towards their class while taking to each other. But they totally forgot about.

Fuck! Mr.Win is already in the class. We come first time in his class and we are late, says Sammy.

WIN LOOK TOWARDS THEM WITH STRAIGHT FACE. You guys are late and yet you are talking at the door. WIN said while turning towards the blackboard.

Sorry Mr.Win. It will never going to happened again. Three of them apologise together.

"If just all three of you come in my class again." Win didn't fail to pointing out there mistake.
Forget it. The important information is our university going to host a quiz competition about Morden history of thailand. It's a group competition and winner will get a trip to puket. Mr.dean , Mr.Tul and I'm also going to be with you on the trip.

Sammy eyes spark cause of Win's word.  Team it a good opportunity. You win this competition and go on the trip with him. And ask him if he likes you or not.

It's a good idea Sammy. But I don't think we going to win this competition. Team said.

But why?? Pharm asked in a questionable look.

Do we know anything about history??

Three of them fake cry cause of their situation.

But we have to do it guys. I'm so afraid to loose him. I wants to tell him how I actually feel about him but not here. Cause I don't want to Cause any trouble for Mr.Win. Team made up his mind to confess his professor about his feelings.


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