history and past

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Finally after winning that quiz competition  I'm on a trip with my beloved professor Win.
Sure he is not alone Sammy,  pharm are also with them. And Mr. Tul and Mr.Dean also join the trip.
But still I'm enjoying my time here with all of them.
When we reach the resort it's already evening.  The resort is so beautiful. It's looking like a place. Although it is not big, yet not a single five star hotel can match the beauty level of this particular resort. The resort walls are painted white. There are lot of trees and flowers around the resort. This resort own by Mr.Waan who is Mr.Win's cousin brother.  He politely introduced himself to us and show us our respective room. It's sad that I didn't get a room near Mr.Win's room, but I'm so tired to argue. So, I simply went to sleep.

Why did you choose to become a teacher Mr.Win?? Team asked Win while sitting by the seashore.

There is not any specific explanation. I just want to teach with my whole heart.  And I also don't have much time so I choose whatever option I have. Win answer politely.

Although team didn't have any high expectations with their relationship yet Win also treat him nicely.  But suddenly he stoped talking to him. He don't even looking at him right now. He looking towards the sun and don't look at his face while answering his questions. 
Still he try to make current situation less awkward. "So, why you chosen history as your subject?"Team question.

Win give a short smile to Team. It's not like you are the first one who asked me such question. But, to be honest, I never answered honestly to anyone.  He turned his face and looks straight into Team's eyes. Can I be honest with you Team??

You don't have to hide anything and feel uncomfortable with me Mr.Win. I'm always here for you and I listen your every weird story.

Then I be honest with you. I have a personal favorite quotes about history.

And what was that Mr.Win??


And what is your view to that thought Mr.Win?? Team asked out of curiosity.

Team,  according to me that thought describe human nature. As you know we learn history,  we know people make mistakes that leads towards so many messed up things, yet we didn't take outcome and moral of that mistakes seriously and we make same mistake again and again. I wants to teach my students that it's ok if you don't learn the whole chapter, but never ever forget the moral and outcome of lessons. And never make the same mistakes again because it can cause harm to humanity.

I know that you are so much intelligent. But, I never know you think in that manner also. Mr.Win,  team call out win name while looking straight into his face. You teach me an important thing to me today. I'll remember it forever. I promise you, I'll keep your thought in my mind.

Win give a smile to Team. Thanks team.  But, I also want you to remember a different thing. "You should never live in the past." Team,  my whole life I give myself  pain cause I keep living in the past. I cry cause I didn't get what I want to. I cry cause Noone recognize my afferts.  I cry cause after giving my thousand percent,  everyone leave me. I takes my whole life to make me realize that I should care about my happiness. Team,  for me don't live in the past. Only care about your Happiness. You should live your life like there is no tomorrow. I will always be happy for you no matter where I be. Can you do that for me ??

Mr.Win, why are you looking sad. I didn't do something wrong right???Team questioned win as he saw a little sadness in his professor's eyes.

I'm ok team.  Win cupped juvenile face with his hands. Just answer me team.

Mr.Win,  if it's important to you , than it's important to me also. I promise I will never live in the past. I will always live in the present.  I will always care about my happiness.  But , can you live with me forever. Can you be with me. I... I love you Mr.Win.  I really love you....

The only thing Win don't want to happend,  the only thing win don't want to says,  the only thing win running away from said my team. Confession of Team, made win more miserable than before. Why do you said that team?? Why??

Cause I really loves you. I love the way you take care of me. I love the way you look at me , I love the way you breath,  I love the way your heart beats. I love everything about you Mr.Win.  I'm sorry for making things difficult for you. I know you are my professor and I'm just your student. But, aren't we passed thar stage?? When you hug me I felt relex. I forget about everything when I'm in your arms.  I laugh alot when I'm with you. I love the way you always asked about my consent before touching me. Even if it's just fun for you , it's everything for me. I can't live without your touch.  I love you Mr.Win. I love you to the moon and back.

Tears come falling down from Win's cheeks. As he was confused about current situation.  It's not like he didn't love Team. But , how can he will say that I also love you team but can't live with you forever because I'm dying soon. He try to control his tears but end up crying his heart out in Team's arm without saying anything.

Team never saw win crying.  He pat his professor's head lovingly. Mr.win if you don't love me it's ok...

But win cut his words. Team I....


I'm really sorry for late update. I just stuck between my two different storyline of this story. I will update another part soon. Please feel free to give your view about my story.

Also , you can read my other books also
"THE KISS WE SHARED WHILE DANCING " which is a bl. And "SENSATION OF TENDERNESS " which is a poetry book. I will soon come with another bl books like "PAPER CUT" AND "A BEAUTIFUL LIE." Stay tunned and give your love to the story.

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