The Call

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[Ring Ring Ring]

Jisoo was rudely awakened by the constant ringing on her phone. She was tossing and turning for hours through the night. She was barely able to put herself to sleep as it was, and now it's getting interrupted? No way.

Trying to cast out the noise, she covered her head with her pillow, hoping for the ringing to stop any moment now. When it did she was ready to slip back into her peaceful slumber, only for it to start right back up again. Irritated, she quickly sat up ready to silence the call and turn her phone off for the rest of the night. Who the heck is calling her at 4AM in the morning??!!

Grabbing her phone, she stopped dead in her tracks.

{Newborn Chick ♥️}


Looking over at the digital clock on her table. '4:05AM' shone the time. Right, it's night time over there for him.

Hesitating for barely a second, Jisoo quickly swiped to answer the call.

"Hello?" Jisoo quickly answered.

His snickering answered her greeting. Oh how she missed his laugh. She really needed to hear it right now more than ever.

"Well, hello there, jagiya! So good to hear your voice finally. How was your day today, love?" Haein's voice was more enthusiastic than she was expecting for a regular call.

"Oppa, did you forget to check the time zones again? It's 4AM here in Seoul right now." Haein went silent after that. Jisoo wanted to laugh so hard. "How cute." she thought to herself.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! It was so hectic on set today I forgot I wasn't even in the same country as you right now! Go back to sleep. I'll call again at a more appropriate time." Haein frantically sputtered out.

Jisoo giggled at his panic. "It's okay, oppa. I'm already awake now, we might as well talk a bit. Besides.... I really missed you." Jisoo just had to let him know how much she missed his presence beside her.

"Love... I really missed you, too. More than anything, I wished you were right here beside me through this project. It's so lonely lately, your laughs aren't filling my days." His voice, full of endearment.

"That's so cheesy, oppa! We saw each other barely 2 weeks ago!" She paused after her words.

Two weeks ago. A time when there were only them two. Now, there will soon be the three of them.

"Jagiya? Are you still there?"

"Huh?? Oh, yes! I'm here! Sorry, oppa..."

"Is there something wrong? Are you tired? It's okay to sleep, we can always call later."

"No, I'm alright." She was lying through her teeth. How could she be okay? She was holding out on a secret that could change both of their lives forever. "Just lost in thought about something that happened today is all."

"A penny for your thoughts then, love?"

Should she tell him now? Over the phone? No. There's no way she should break this to him when they're far from each other. This would leave them both anxious for the rest of their time apart. "Uhh.. I went out with Jiyeon today, and well I got a special package on the way home."

"Special package? From who? Someone close or a fan? Remember to be careful if you don't know the sender, love. It's dangerous if you have a sasaeng on your hands. Report it to the police or tell Saerom to do it. Better yet, I'll do it-"

"Hold your horses, oppa! Calm down!" Jisoo knew he was going into protective mode again. This wasn't the first time he got a glimpse of the life of an idol. It was glamorous and adoring when you have fans that love you. However, sometimes it can get out of hand when you have those who decide to make parasocial relations with you. Jisoo was not short of those either. Poor Haein himself has had his fair share of the so called "Zooyas" wrath.

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