Chapter 1

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Reader's POV
Star has been on earth for a couple of months living with the Diaz's family. She is a magical princess from another dimension. Marco her best friend has introduced her to earth. It is Friday and Star is excited to go to school.

Star's POV
I am so exited to go to school. I can't wait to see what I got in the math test. Anyway I was just eating breakfast with my best friend Marco. His mom makes the best pancakes, eggs, and bacon. She is the best cook.
"Marco let's get going. We are going to be late".
"Okay let me finish my bacon" said Marco as he blushed because Star holder his hand.
"I will be up stairs if you need me."
"Okay" said Marco chewing bacon.
Then I heard while I was in my room Marco talking to his parents. I couldn't understand them, but I was very curious to find out what they were saying. I open my door a little bit and here Marco saying he was going to tell her. Tell who? Tell what? Was he taking about Jackie Lynn Thomas? Then I got changed and went downstairs to leave to school. Marco and I always talk going there but today he didn't say a word. What is wrong with him. Maybe he is nervous to tell Jackie how he feels about her.
"Marco are you okay"
"Yeah I am fine" said Marco nervously.
"What wrong where friends you can tell me anything"

Reader's POV
Marco then looked down at his feet and sighed.
"Star we should head to class now" said Marco with a depressed voice.
"No not until you tell me what's wrong" said Star.
"It's nothing just tired" said Marco as he kept looking at his feet and walking to the school.
Then Jackie passed by Marco, but he didn't even care.
"Hey Diaz" said Jackie.
Marco then walked away.
"Hey Star what's wrong with him" asked Jackie.
"I don't know" said Star as she ran toward Marco.
Then Marco entered the classroom and sat in his seat and covered his face with his arms. then Star came in and sat next to him.
"What's wrong Marco" asked Star as she leaned next to him.
"I........" mumbled Marco.
What I didn't understand that" said Star as she leaned closer.
"I l........." cough Marco.
"I still don't understand" said Star as she lifted his head and saw tears forming in his eyes.
"Marco don't cry" said Star as she was about to embrace him in a hug when the teacher shouted to take out there books.
Star then sat straight in her seat and got scared.
"Marco we will talk later about what you were gonna tell me" said Star.

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