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Decades Earlier...

Silent wings, gliding in a dark sky. Sharp eyes, catching the silhouettes of two. The tantalising feeling of wanting to get closer, the looming death of if one is catched. Vast wings catching an air current, leading them smoothly down. The soft click clack of light talons against hard stone. Creeping, creeping closer to the duo. A flickering torch was set in the sand, most of it's light hidden by the dragons, leaving only small glimmers that escaped. The hiding dragon slinked closer, keeping to the shadows. The two dragons were wearing hoods, their faces obscured in darkness. They were talking.

"-promised they would be here! And now we're stuck here for the entire night until the daylight makes us disappear. That lying leader," hissed the bulkier one, who's tail that poked through was wrapped in layers of silk. The slimmer, more agile one arched their clothed neck and let out a husky growl. Even though it was a warm summer's night, the air suddenly turned icy and colder, making the hider shiver. The bulkier one must've felt the movement, and slowly turned their hooded head over to the hiding place. As they did, they made a clicking sound. It was then when the shivering dragon noticed that beneath the hood it was completely dark. Not a single reflection in their eyes, if there were  eyes. And no moonlight illuminated the dragon's scales. 

The figure almost drifted towards the hidden victim. It was almost as though it's silhouette and shadow flickered on and off during the walk there. The slim one watched carefully, quietly roaring in delight at the discovery. But just as the bulky dragon was about to grab into the shadows, their hood was blown off their head. But the air was still, with no such breeze. And then there was the most queer and strange realisation- the dragon was headless. They immediately assumed thin dragon was probably as well. Wings- the ones that had carried them all across the continent, the ones that led them to the two terrible, headless, possibly undead dragons- now wrapped around the cowering dragon, in the vain hope it will save them. 

In fact, they sort of did. A blast of something, from somewhere, somehow found it's way to the dragon, and covered them, releasing a chilling, burning mist, that seemed to gouge into their scales. It was almost like a combination of frostbreath, flame, Nightwing saliva and venom. The mixture attacked the wings, dissolving them. Unable to suppress it, the dragon let out a scream of agony. The shadows burrowing them suddenly faded away, leaving the dragon in plain view. Now with no way to escape or protect themselves, without their beloved wings, they had to give in.

The mysterious breeze came again, and this time it stripped the ghosts completely of their accessories. Their layers of fabric and hoods disappeared, revealing their appearances. The stockier dragon was clearly a male, and a hybrid of Nightwing and Rainwing. The slim one- a female, unlike the now wingless dragon's assumption, had a head, but it had lost all of her legs, so now she was completely afloat. She was also an Icewing. They were definitely  ghosts. They shivered again, not from the cold, but the goriness of the two. The female showed her teeth, making Pyrrhia's creepiest smile. Her eyes were hollow and dark. 

The victim whimpered, scared of what the Undead were going to do next to them. The Undead. That was what they were going to call them. They had a small suspicion about who they were, but they pushed it to the back of their mind. Ever since the Undead were unveiled, it seemed as though the female was the talker. Apparently the hybrid was quite self-conscious about others finding his communication secret. They had immediately taken the wingless hostage, and chained them on a cave. The Icewing towered above them, and she kept her tail on the headless, as though listening to his thoughts through it. She opened her mouth, and the dissolving mist tumbled out again. The wingless winced, unconsciously touching their phantom wings. 

"You... will tell usssssssss the sssssecretsssssss... are.. you the one we've been looking for... Sssssscarlet... sssssstill do...r-revenge in deattttttth..." she drawled, speaking unsteadily. She made a clucking sound. The Night/Rain hurried over and lifted the hostage's chin. "Sssssssscarlet... sssssseeeeeeen you in worssssssse... health. Sssssshe does...not like prissssssonersssssss become. Better..." the Icewing told them. She let out a croaky snicker as her eyes traveled to the wing joints that led to nothing. 

Her tail lashed towards the male, and he released the captive's chin, instead to touch the wing joints. They immediately winced. She smirked, and stepped closer towards them. Her breath, which was now thankfully not the mist, smelt of rotting plants and food that have seen better days. 

"I...he...ssaaay we sssssshould do introductionssssssssss... I won't be...telling... real name, but... ssssomething to call... me by. C-call me... Frigid... and him... C-cryptic," Frigid growled, and showed them the sharp toothed grin again. "Now, let's not be rude... but who are you?" That part she spoke loud and clear, and her smile widened even more at the fear in the dragon's eyes. Cryptic produced another two sets of chains, and linked their ankles together, letting no escape. The dragon responded by trying to curl up, but instead ended up with their snout resting between the shoulder blades and their tail wrapping around their body to the best of it's ability. 

"Ssssshy, are you? Well... Masssster...want your name." Her inky eyes bored into their's, and Frigid let out another bout of the mist. The dragon barely twisted out of the way, letting out another cry. Frigid drifted to the left ear, and then whispered something that will never be known to others, and if it will, nobody will dare to say it. Particularly because it ends with the speaker lying on the ground slowing rotting away. Painfully. But since the Undead were already cursed enough, they were allowed to speak about it freely. 

"Well, well, well. Seems our little friend needs some encouragement. Ic-Frigid, would you like to entice?" This voice rolled smoothly, exactly like Cryptic's 'voice'. It was his voice. The headless dragon had spoken. "Actually, I have a better idea. Just give 'em some of the mist, will you?" Frigid nodded, and the cave suddenly turned ten times as cold. The dragon, who now knew of the consequences, raised their head, and out came the first, and possibly last, word they have said in decades. 


The two seemed to rise up taller and feed on the word. It was as though it gave them strength. The Icewing stalked closer towards Beryl. "We have found you at last. And if you want to live, for a day at least, you've got to give us some answers."

And then all went black.


AHHHHHHHHHH YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW HAPPY I AM. MY FIRST WOF FANFIC! I've had this idea for a year now, and it's finally taken place! Also, for those future readers, please note that this is all from my imagination and whatever arc has come out by the time you find me, this is not accurate. And yes, our dear Beryl and the mysterious duo will be related to the other chapters. I feel like I should treat you with a secret or two every chapter about a character or something in my life, so this is the secret- I now have a craving for bananas and cheese on bread that's heated in a microwave-



Keep your claws ready and ears alert for the next update!






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