𝟒𝟐| 𝐔𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐬!

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It's a beautiful Saturday afternoon, perfect for spending time with Ares at the playground. As soon as we arrive, Ares lets out an excited squeal and runs towards the swings. I can't help but smile at his enthusiasm. He's only five years old, but he already has more energy than I can handle.

"Slow down, buddy," I call out, jogging after him. "Let's warm up before we hit the big slides."

Ares looks back at me with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "But Daddy, I'm not a baby anymore. I can handle anything the playground throws at me!" he declares confidently.

I chuckle and ruffle his hair. "Alright, tough guy. Let's see what you got."

As Ares happily swings on the swing, I take a seat on the nearby bench and watch him with a sense of pride.

Suddenly, Ares jumps off the swing and runs towards a group of boys playing in the sandpit.

"Can I join you guys?" Ares asks shyly, clutching his toy truck.

The boys, who look to be around Ares' age, look up at him and grin. One of them, a boy with curly hair, speaks up. "Sure, we could use an extra hand with building our sandcastle."

I watch as Ares happily joins in, his shy demeanor melting away as he laughs and chats with the boys. But what catches my attention is the presence of four men who seem to be keeping an eye on the boys from a distance.

As they were closer, I hear a squeal beside me and I quickly turned to see Ares looking at his best friends.

"Uncles!!" He screams as he runs to them and hugs them in order.

"Hey buddy," Tyson spoke up first.

"Will you play with me?" Ares asks them.

"Of course," Eros says as he was looking at Ares.

"Let's play football," Ares says grabbing Dong's hand.

With that they begin to play all together.

"Hey Ares, pass the ball!" Eros calls out, running towards Ares with his arms outstretched.

Ares grins mischievously and kicks the ball in Eros' direction. Dong intercepts it with a swift foot and passes it back to Ares.

"Nice one, Dong!" Ares shouts, his smile growing wider.

The boys continue to run and kick the ball around, their laughter echoing across the playground.

"Hey, Aiden, want to join us?" Tyson chimes in, running up to us with a bright red ball in hand.

I chuckle, shaking my head. "I don't think I can keep up with you guys."

"Oh, come on, Dad! Just one game!" Ares pleads, tugging at my sleeve.

I hesitate for a moment before giving in to the puppy-dog eyes of my son. "Alright, but just for a little while."

The boys cheer and hand me a ball. We form a small team, with Ares as our captain. My heart swells with pride as I watch my son lead his friends in a game of football.

"Hey, guys, I have a joke. How did the football get a hole in it?" Joss asks with a smirk.

The boys stop running and turn to Joss, eagerly waiting for the punchline.

"I don't know, how?" Ares asks, his eyes wide with curiosity.

"Someone kicked it!" Joss bursts out laughing, causing the rest of them to join in.

I can't help but laugh at their jokes and carefree spirit.

Ares is the same as his mother, carefree, not afraid to show himself.

"Hey, Daddy, watch this!"Ares yells, running towards me with the ball.

I brace myself, ready to tackle my son and steal the ball away. But to my surprise, Ares suddenly passes the ball to Dong, who is wide open.

"Daddy, you weren't paying attention!" Ares teases, sticking his tongue out playfully.

The boys howl with laughter as I pretend to pout.

"Okay, okay, let's get back to the game," I say, trying to hide my smile.

We play for a little while longer before my phone rings, signaling that it's time to go home.

"Aww, do we have to go, Dad?" Ares whines, not wanting the fun to end.

"I'm afraid so, buddy. But we can always come back next week," I reassure him.

As we gather our things and say our goodbyes, I notice that Dong is holding onto Ares' hand, not wanting to let go.

"Ares, you have the best friends, don't you?" I say, tousling my son's hair.

"Yeah, they're the best!" Ares replies, trying to fix his hair.

I can't help but smile as we walk back home. As we approach our house, Ares turns to me and asks, "Dad, will you be playing with us again next week?"

"Of course. I wouldn't miss it for the world," I reply, giving my son a warm hug.

As we enter our house, I can't help but smile at the thought of my son and his friends playing together every week. I know that these memories will stay with Ares for a lifetime, and I'm grateful to be a part of them.

"Hey Dad, can we invite Uncle Eros, Dong, Joss, and Tyson over for dinner tonight?" Ares asks with excitement.

"Sure thing, son. The more, the merrier," I reply, already thinking of ways to turn this into a regular tradition.

As we settle in for the evening, I feel grateful for the bond that Ares shares with his 'uncles.' They are more than just friends; they are family, and that's all that matters.

' They are more than just friends; they are family, and that's all that matters

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