Chapter 11

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---Chan POV---

I couldn't believe what happened this weekend, I was happy and I did everything I could to be a comfort to Minho, but what I saw was one of the most beautiful changes in a person, while he still grieved he also escaped the loud silence he had been living in. As he relaxed into the idea of being in a relationship with me over the weekend he talked more, smiled more and just generally showed his real self more and I loved everything I saw. 
We were cuddling on the sofa at his apartment when my phone rang, "Hi Hannah," I said as I saw that it was my sister, "Hi Channie, can I come over this weekend?" she asked, "Do you remember our deal?" I asked and I heard her gasp, "Wait really?" she asked sounding very excited, "Yes," I said with a chuckle, "Alright then I won't come like I promised," she said and we hung up. "Sibling?" Minho asked, "Yes, that was my sister Hannah, she does like to come and stay with me sometimes mostly just to check on me which she really doesn't need to but we made a deal that if I would find someone to love then she would come less," I said and he blushed and hid his face in my chest. "Um Channie?" he asked and blushed even more as he said my nickname, "Yes baby," I whispered which caused him to actually turn the colour of a tomato, "During the evenings I usually have a little moment where I just sit quiet and listen to music which is the moment where I would cry when I was alone is it okay if I still do that while you're here?" he asked and I looked him deep in the eyes and placed my hand on his cheek, "I told you right? You can grieve for as long as you need to, I'll be here as a support," I said. 

He turned on the music and leaned against me, I wrapped at blanket around us and held him and Soonie came and laid on Minhos' lap, I felt his silent tears wet my shirt and I hugged him tighter. "Tell me about a memory, a happy one," I whispered and he talked about a date they had been on where they went on a hike, slept in a tent before hiking back the next day, "That sounds liked fun," I said, "It was fun," he whispered and smiled through the tears.
"Is it really okay for me to talk about him like this to you?" he asked when he had stopped crying, "Yes, I don't get jealous, I also want to hear what you liked about a relationship so hearing about dates and such is nice and then I can know what to do for you but I can also make it better," I said and he giggled which was one of the prettiest sounds I had ever heard.

We went to bed and snuggled, "When do you wanna get up for work?" I asked, it was monday tomorrow so it was time to walk to work for the first time as a couple which was also the time when Jisung and Felix would realise, "I don't know... A good enough time where we can snuggle a bit before we leave," he said and I chuckled, "Sounds good," I said and grabbed my phone to set and alarm. A text from Felix appeared, 'Do you wanna walk to work with us tomorrow?' he asked, I looked at Minho and saw him reading the text too, "What do you say? It might be nicer if they realise before work than during lunchtime," I said and he nodded, 'Yes, I or well we will,' I replied to Felix, 'Minho coming too? I'll tell Ji to be calm then, sleep well' he replied both Minho and I laughed at Felix reply before we snuggled back close together and fell asleep.

In the morning we walked hand in hand towards work and met Jisung and Felix outside the complex where their apartment was, when they saw our linked hands their smile grew incredibly bright, Jisung was almost bouncing but he held back a lot. "You going to start to eat lunch with us too Minho?" Felix asked and Minho looked up at me, "I would love it if you did," I said and then he nodded, "I'm sorry for kind of freaking you out in the beginning," Jisung said almost shyly, "It's okay no damage done right?" Minho said and I sighed, "Well that's not entirely true, cause when it happened you stopped talking to me," I said and Minho held my hand tighter, "Sorry," he whispered, "I forgive you," I smiled. We got to work and bought some breakfast in the cafe before we said goodbye to Jisung and  Felix before we went to our work spaces, "Good luck today I'm just a few spaces away," I whispered and sneakily kissed his cheek which made him blush like crazy and then I walked to my space.

Even thought I had been quite okay before I felt that life was going to be even more enjoyable now.

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