
512 19 3

Requested by @NiallsBbyAshtonsDrums

Thxs for the idea love xx


Ashton- (Ash)ley xx

Louis Tomlinson- Idiot .-.


(Ash)ley xx: Hey ;)

(Y/N): Hello (:

(Ash)ley xx: Wyd babe?

(Y/N): Watching a movie with Louis and you?

(Ash)ley xx: Missing you ;)

(Y/N): Aww.... Ash. ♡

(Ash)ley xx: you are so cute. I love your laugh. Your smile. Your personality. Your everything.

(Y/N): Ashton stahp... Louis I'd right next to me.

(Ash)ley xx: Idc.

(Y/N): But he will. You know he doesn't want me dating any of his friends. He doesn't like me dating in general.

(Ash)ley xx: Well I officially say me and Louis Tomlinson are not friends.

(Y/N): It doesn't really work that way.

(Ash)ley xx: Well... it does to me :)

(Y/N): Oh god I like an idiot. /.-

(Ash)ley xx: You like me?

(Y/N): Shit.

(Y/N): No this is harmless flirting... hehehe

(Ash)ley xx: Well if it makes you feel better. I like you a lot back. ^.^

(Y/N): You do now?

(Ash)ley xx: Mmmhhmmm

(Y/N): We can't keep talking about this. Louis is trying to look over my shoulder.



(Ash)ley xx: Whoops hahaha cx

(Y/N): Dumbass

-Cliffoanda has been added to the chat-

Cliffoanda: What up my bitches?!?!

(Y/N): Who the fuck added you?

(Ash)ley xx: Yeah I would like to know.

Cliffoanda: well me, myself, and I

(Ash)ley xx: Wtf? How mate?!

Cliffoanda: Ummm... the perks of being amazing at gaming and technology.

(Y/N): So you decides to use your ao called "intelligence" to stalk us?


(Y/N): Then?

Cliffoanda: I was testing it out for someone.

(Ash)ley xx: Who?

-Louis Tommo has been added to this chat-

Idiot .-. : HELLO (Y/N)!!!!

(Y/N): Ummm..... Hi LOUIS. Its nice to see you LOUIS!

Idiot .-. : I'm right next to you.

(Y/N): Oh h.... hehehe will you look at that. Umm... well then I should probably leave. ALL OF US SHOULD!!!! LIKE RIGHT NOW

*now pretend you ran to your room*

Idiot .-. : Ummm. Why did you run to your room?

(Y/N): Cause my phone is dying....

Cliffoanda: Hey where did Ashton go?

(Y/N): .......

Idiot .-. : What do you mean. Ashton is in this chat?

Cliffoanda: well yeah.

(Ash)ley xx: You're a Fucken dumbass you know that Michael.

Cliffoanda: oh shit. I just realized why Louis why asked me to hack into (Y/N)'s group chat. Okay bye!

-Cliffoanda left the chat-

(Y/N): Asswipe.

Idiot .-. : Why are you talking to Ashton?

(Y/N): Because I can.

Idiot .-. : Ashton....

(Ash)ley xx: Yes sir? Tommo sir?

Idiot .-. : You remember the rules right?

(Y/N): Okay Louis I had enough. I like Ashton.

Idiot .-. : Well too bad. You can't go out with him.

(Y/N): You can't tell me what to do! I am 17 and I can do whatever the fuck I want! Okay! I am not a child! You need to respect my decisions!

(Ash)ley xx: yeah what she said...

Idiot .-. : Stay the fuck out of this Ashton..

(Ash)ley xx: okay

Idiot .-. : No more coming over to my place. No more going to my concerts. Or theres. No more nothing. I do not want you to have any contact with this boys!

(Y/N): You are so fucken unfair!!!

Idiot .-. : Too bad! I told you the rules!

-(Y/N) has left the chat-

Idiot .-. : Ashton Irwin.

(Ash)ley xx: Yeah okay.

-SmASH has left this chat-

*private chat between you and Ashton*

(Y/N): Hey Ash. I am sneaking over to your place. I got everything packed. Pick me up at midnight.

(Ash)ley xx: You sure? You know you arw a good girl babe. I don't want you to regret anything.

(Y/N): I won't. I really like you.

(Ash)ley xx: I really like you too.

(Y/N): Besides. Good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught ;)



Okay so I do know that I am on summer break and I should be updating a lot more. BUT! I go everyday to my Grandparents and they do notb have wifi. And I am not going to waste ny data. Plus the connection out here is really bad. I will be staying home a couple days of the week I will sure update. And on the weekends is when I try to go out and have fun since I am stuck inside all day.

And..Also before I forget. (Cause I am watching t.v. lol)

I am going to be going to this thing for church. And I am staying for 3 nights 4 days. And there is not technology of any kind. So. I will try ton update another request tonight. NOT PROMISING ANYTHING! Cause I gotta pack.

Keep requesting ! Voting! And Commenting!

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