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third persons pov-

third persons pov-

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"so, plans for today?" he asked her eagerly drying up his hair with a towel. "juj is busy, its a date day" she answered blushing. ״just us huh" he flirted, wrapping his arms around her waist, "just us" she replied placing her arms around his neck, going on the tips of her toes trying to kiss him. his arms making her knees weak, and in her stomach feel little butterflies flying around, tingling her.
he had an affect on her that no one else had.


"lets go in a trip" he suggested, "i could use some peaceful environment" she smiled, admiring his idea.

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the girl placed a blanket on the ground as they reached the top of the hill, making it comfortable for them to sit on.
she rested her head on his chest as they lied down, in comfortable silence, they adored the silence, the peace in the air, the chance to just take a break from the world, giving their mind and body a break.
"how did u decide that music is what u wanna do in life?" she suddenly asked him, as he played with her hair. "it was always a part of me" he answered vaguely. "music was always there, i always play, i always write i cant remember my life without it, its even more than a habit, i cant function without it, its the thing in life that i know i will always have, and will never leave me, and its what i love doing the most, luckily i have my parents who saw that i have this gift when i was little, so they were there to support and help and push me. but i guess bottom line, i never formally decided, its just where life kinda took me" he explained, "are u thinking about investing more in a music career?" he asked her curious, "i...i dont know yet, i guess im just thinking, nothing specific" she replied, "well you've got my back, always" he promised making her smile, "i guess im just a little scared" she admitted, "about what?" he asked feeling concerned, "that i wont find my path? school isnt going great, and i dont jnow where i wanna study or what i wanna study and how and why and everyone around me just knows-"
"babe its fine, breathe" he stopped her ramble. "its ok not to know what u want to do, u will figure it out eventually, as for school, u can always fix and raise your grades, even if it isnt the most comfortable thing in the world, u can always change paths and u dont have to stick to one thing. not everything is permanent princess, u can go to x and choose to major in y but a year later decide that u want to do z, its all good, u will eventually find the thing that u want to do, dont rush it, you've got time" he added rubbing her back, listening to her breathing.
"i promise i too, will never leave, not just music" she suddenly said, referring to his sentence from earlier, "i know princess".
he did actually know, he knew with all his heart that shes here with him forever, not just because she will never leave, but also because he will never let her.


"when is our flight?" she asked as she walked into the room covered in a towel. "turn around" she added blushing as she took her pj out of the dresser. "uh tomorrow?" he replied confused, "u dumb bitch what hour" she laughed at his response, "oh nine forty five pm" he replied chuckling, "damn" she said as he turned around. "yea, and we have the party tomorrow night, damn it we are gonna have to nap" he said sarcastically, making her laugh a bit "u are so dumb" she sat in his lap, as he rubbed her back. "whens your doctor appointment?" he asked, "in like an hour" she answered smiling at him, "why can't i come" he ranted, "because" the girl teased, "because what" he rolled his eyes playfully, "because" she insisted, staring in his eyes, keeping the tension. "if u are gonna keep looking at me like this im gonna have to kiss u" he flirted, "fine" she said not looking away, as he got closer to kiss her.


"god i hate doctors" she said when she came into the room, only to see him asleep on her bed. she laughed to herself as she saw him, and crawled under his arm, cuddling him and placing a blanket on top if them. "u are back" he said quietly, half asleep, "like always" she replied kissing his cheek as he laid his head on her belly, causing her to play around with his curls, making him fall back asleep.


the bright light from the sun make the curly guy open his eyes, seeing the girl he loves next to him. feeling the safest and happiest he has ever been, pulling her closer to him if that was even possible, not wanting that moment of just her and him to end.
he loves her, he loves her with every inch if his body, he loves her. he loves the way she looks down when she felt shy. he loves the way her smile would grow bigger just from watching the people she loves being happy. he loves the fact that she would give up everything for her loved ones, but still wont always forget to put herself first sometimes. he loves when she played with the ends of her hair when she is bored, and the fact that when she felt confident she would look at u straight in the eye. he loves that she is the most understanding person he knew. he loves the fact that she can always lift people's mood up, he loves the way she always made him laugh, or blush, or smile. he loves the way she looks at him, with the most loving and caring face. mostly he he loves him, without any doubt or conditions, she loves him, as much as he loves her. that what he loves about her the most, because that always reminded him, that she will be there, she will always be there, no matter what, where or when.


"hey, princess, u should wake up" he said to the brunette who laid next to him after admiring her for thirty minutes. "not yet" she mumbled, adjusting her body to feel closer to him. "u still haven't packed, and we leave today, we have a lot of stuff to get done" he said quietly, rubbing his thumb against her cheek, "come on, save the sleep time for the plane" he chuckled waking her up. "good morning" she said rubbing her eyes with a smile, making him laugh lightly, "good morning princess" he kissed her forehead, making her stomach feel tingly, he always did that, he always made her feel excited, feel happy, he always made her feel the butterflies in her stomach as if it was the first time they've met.


authors here!!!
ik its kinda boring IM SORRY
i just dont have a lot of time and im also on a writers block😫😫😫
anyway love yall a bunch💋💋💋

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