Chapter II

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A couple days later...

{Evan's POV}

I continued putting her hair in pigtails, gently. "Fuck-! HA! Ha!" She started scratching at her arms roughly. I gently took her hands, and held them. Ennard and Micheal went out to take care of things, so I was in charge of taking care of my niece, Hazel. After she stopped trying to scratch, I gently hugged her to let her know she was okay, and looked at her arms gently. She hadn't broken any skin, which was good. "I'm sorry, Uncle Evan-." She mumbled. I looked at her, and smiled. "You don't need to apologize- After I finish doing your hair, do you want to see if Aunt Liz would want to get ice cream with us??" I asked. Hazel smiled, and nodded. "Yes!!!" She said excitedly. I smiled, and let her go, resuming doing her hair.

"Shit! Shit!" She said, uncontrollably. I finished her hair, and then gently picked her up. I walked to my sister's room, and knocked. "Hey, Liz-? Or Eliza- Would you like to come get ice cream with Hazel and me?" I asked. Liz immediately opened the door. "What kind of question is that? Of course I want to go!!" She said, grabbed my hand, and started dragging me to the front door. "Wait- Liz- Wait-" I said, dropping my weight a bit. I hid my soul parts, and Hazel's. Liz noticed, and did the same. I looked back into the house, and before we left, I called out, "Elizabeth, Hazel, and I are going out for the day! We're heading to the park to go get ice cream!!" It was a rule that you had to say where you were going, and who you were going with, other than on a mission, before you left.

So that if you disappeared, or went missing, they'd have an idea of where to start looking for you. "Alright! Be back before night falls, alright??" I heard Papa say from the kitchen. I turned to look back at Liz. "Now we can go-" She smiled, and then resumed dragging us.


{Henry's POV}

I heard as the front door closed behind Evan, Liz, and Hazel. It was cute, honestly, that they all were spending time together, and going out for ice cream. I was a bit worried about Ennard and Micheal, as they were on an assignment currently, but they could take care of themselves pretty well. As I stared out the kitchen window, thinking, someone bumped into my leg. I jumped a bit, and looked down to see Adrik hugging my leg, looking up at me. I smiled a little, and knelt down. "Hey- Are you alright-?" I asked. "I want to see daddy-. I haven't seen him all week-!" He said, hugging me tightly. I hugged him back, and fixed his messy hair. He was still in his pjs and most likely just woke up. "How about we go find him, and kidnap him?" I joked a little. Adi nodded, and jumped into my arms. I carfully held him, and started walking to William's office. I opened the door, and glanced in a bit. William was knocked out at his desk, with his head laying on the paperwork. I paused, and sighed. I held Adi closer to myself, and walked in.

There were empty coffee mugs, plates with food still on them, and papers almost everywhere. William himself, had completely messy and tangled hair, and looked like a giant mess. I nudged William a bit, and heard him groan as he started to wake up. Adi held onto me tightly, looking around the office. "Will.. William, wake up-." I said, quietly. William lifted his head from the desk, and glanced up at me. He sat up a bit, and yawned. "Henry-? Why're you-" "We'll talk about- this-.. Later, say hi to your son, and then we're going to go and take care of you.." William looked at Adrik, and reached his hand out to him. He looked at Will, then grabbed his hand. "Daddy, are you okay.?" He mumbled.

William nodded a bit, lying of course for Adi's sake. "Yeah-. How about you go play with your brother, Lukyan, for a bit?" Adi nodded, then I set him down, and let him run off, out of the room. I looked back at William, and sighed. "C'mon-. Get up, you're going to go take a shower, then we're going to cuddle and talk-" I said, a bit sternly. William didn't even argue, and just got up. He stumbled a bit, but I helped him carefully make his way to our room.

10 minutes later...(After the Shower)

I continued to run my hand through his hair after I had brushed it. He had his face partially buried into the side of my neck. "Want to talk about what you fell asleep working on?" I asked, even though we were going to talk about it if he said no. He sighed, and nodded a bit. "Things for Vanny and the Hasen.-" He muttered. I gently kissed the bottom of his chin. "Will-. We need to talk about all this work you've been doing.. I barely see you anymore-. The kids barely see you anymore.. The whole reason Adrik and I were in your office was because he was worried, from not seeing you.- You're overworking... We're okay, you don't need to overwork yourself. The business is doing fine, the Hasen is doing fine. We don't need more work from you, we need you.." I said, trying to convince him.

He glanced up at me. "Are you sure.?" I pecked him on the lips, then hugged him tighter. "Yes, my love- And you aren't going to be the only one being told this- Ennard is most likely going to tell the same thing to Micheal. Like father like son-" I laughed a little. William laughed a bit, and cuddled me more. "Is it okay if I go to sleep-?" He asked. I nodded, and kissed the top of his head. "Anytime, darling."

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