Pizza, notes, and unwelcome surprises

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Tyler and I sauntered into our next class, enduring the torturous drone of our history lecture. The minutes ticked by like reluctant prisoners, each one stretching into an eternity. Amidst the monotony, Tyler, my perpetual savior from boredom, transformed mundane note-passing into an art form. Scribbled requests for random drawings—basketballs, gardens, and other oddities—transformed the back pages of my notebook into a clandestine gallery of our shared rebellion against academic monotony.

Art, in all its expressive forms, was my sanctuary. It was my way of dancing through the chaos, singing through the silence, and capturing fleeting emotions in photographs. An escape from the social intricacies that eluded me and the quiet rebellion against the unpredictable landscape of my life.

The bell, mercifully liberated us from the clutches of history. Tyler and I flowed with the sea of students toward the cafeteria, where the aroma of lunch awaited. Before diving into the gastronomic delight, Tyler flashed a grin.

"Grab a seat for me, will ya? I'll be right back. Pizza, extra fries on the side, and a coke, isn't it?" he said, his smile infectious.

Returning his smile, I embarked on the quest for a suitable table. However, as I approached one, my phone buzzed in my hand, injecting an unexpected twist into the script of my day.

"Hey Sam, I'm sorry I won't be making it for dinner tonight, a business meeting in Tokyo. I trust you will be fine on your own. See you in 2 weeks."

The words etched across my screen were like a sudden storm, darkening the skies of what had been a mundane day. How could he bail on me again, especially with the anniversary of Mom's death looming next week? Unbelievable.

I made my way to my seat with a sigh, sinking into it. As I looked up, Tyler approached with a tray of goodies, a sight that always managed to lift my spirits. I smiled, appreciating his genuine effort to cheer me up.

As I was about to wave at him, my vision was abruptly obscured by Caroline and her faithful little puppets.

"Well, well, well, I thought something smelled foul." Caroline sneered at me, her words laced with disdain.

I rolled my eyes, wondering if this chick ever got a hint or something. Ignoring her, I busied myself with my phone, waiting for Tyler to join me.

"Are you deaf too? I thought the smell was all you had going wrong in your life," Caroline continued, her laughter echoing through the cafeteria. Tyler frowned, looking up at Caroline with annoyance.

"Car, buzz off, man. We're a little busy," Tyler retorted.

"Seriously, Ty, when will you drop Miss Pity Party here? I thought we had a moment last night," Caroline pouted, her eyes locking on Tyler.

Last night? I whispered silently, my gaze shifting to Tyler. His gaze faltered before settling on me.

"It's nothing, Sam. We just hung out for a bit," he said, scratching his head uncomfortably.

"Nothing? Ty? We were supposed to tell her we were dating today! Enough with your pity party crap!" Caroline exclaimed with an annoyed sigh.

My eyes widened, my heart racing. Was that what he wanted to tell me yesterday? A flashback from our conversation crossed my mind.


"Hey, Samiebear?" Tyler's voice came through the phone.

"Yeah?" I replied, plopping onto my bed and sighing.

"Have you ever liked someone but been too scared to make it official because someone close to you might get hurt?" he said, his voice barely audible on that last part.

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