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💞CHAPTER 1: 🧎‍♀️ His Servant 🧎‍♀️

So there is Luis which is Adrianna boy bsf and Giovanni gets jealous of him both of the boys both play football and are in diffrent teams but both of the teams are running up for the finals next week Adrianna is going to a new school in Scottland and she doesnt know anyone but she gets to meet this guy named Luis hes a 16 year old guy in year 10 thats a nerd and always get picked on. she is 16 in year ten thats also a nerd they get really close and become besties a few days later she kind off started liking this guy named Giovanni but she acted like she hated him cause he was a bully.he was in year 12 and was 18 but bullied any new kid in the school. He got jealous of Luis being close to Adrianna the new cute nerdy girl so he bullies Adrianna to get her attention but it doesnt work instead she just pretends to hate him. Luis cant do anything much beacuse Gio is 6 foot 5 has muscles works out everyday and is every girls type and Luis is more on the petit side and has never worked out a day in his life and does not know how to deal with girls so Luis just tells her to ignore him and walk away anytime he approches her not knowing she kind off likes him.Another day at school and the years 12s and 10s go on a trip together to Paris the city of love for there french class and they have to share a room with eachother so during the trip. Gio and Adri are in diffrent seats in the plane but once they reach Adriana is sharing a room with Luis cause they chose to. They have homework to do during there trip and Gio being a bad boy he doesnt want to do homework so he tries to find a way to get Adrianna to do it cause shes smart and knows everything . Luis goes to hang out with his friends in a hotel nearby and leaves Adrianna in the room doing her work whilst he leaves Gio waits for him to go and pushes the door wide open and says Adrianna where are you in a quiet creepy voice She says who are you hiding in the closet Gio finds her and lifs her up by the neck and tells her your doing my homework she says NO yelling and Gio gets tape from her table and tapes her lips shut and closes the door with the key and says says hey ur doing my homework ok she nods no He slaps her so hard she cries he asks again your doing my homework she nods yes and hes like ok he gets his papers and gives them to her and says you have 10 minutes okay she nods yes he says get to work Gio falls asleep but Adri finishes and she is so tired that she goes to the bed his sleeping on and also sleeps next to him Gio turns around and starts cuddling her but he doesnt realise he wakes up after a while with a BONER from cuddling her he realises that shes asleep and decides to wake up slowly to walk to the table where she was doing the work he sees that she had finished he felt bad that he slapped her and slowly woke her up he said Adri im sorry that i slapped you and threatend you today i dont know why i did it but im really sorry she wakes up confused and asks what are you still doing here he says i fell alseep and so did you and then i started cuddiling you and i kind off woke up with a BONER she looks down to his pants and sees his pants wet and his BULGE showing she says you need help with that he says yes if you would like to help you gmcan get on your knees for me he sits down on the bed picks her up and tells her gdt on your knees for me she gets down and he pulls his belt off and says pull them off hun i know you want to she slowly pulls them down and starts stroking his D1CK and thighs slowly and starts sucking him off so hard he starts MOANING GROANING and once she finishes sucking him off they slowly take eachothers clothes off and start making out slowly PASSINATLYY they slowly get into DOGGYSTYLE and start POUNDING eachothers so hard there both moaning very loud an our later Luis comes back to the hotel room and hears the noises and is like WTH is going on he tries opening the door but its locked and he doesnt have the key he starts yelling ADRIANNA OPEN THE DOOR OPEN THE DOOR. she tells Gio to go hid and she puts her clothes back on and goes to the door and opens the door.

💞CHAPTER 2: 🙆‍♀️ The Horny teens🙆‍♀️

Once he opens the door he sees Andri hair is a mess and she looks tired and her clothes aren't zipped up fully and asks her what was going i heard noises and you were screaming
Moaning and i heard a guy voice what was going on here and WHERE IS THAT GUY he says YELLING OUT LOUD whilst all of this is happening Gio is in the closet scared for his life but he comes out and says hi luis Luis looks at Gio and is SHOCKED from seeing him
And wonders whats happened while i was gone and they started fighting and one punch after the other the teachers came and stopped fight and they both got in trouble after a few days of separation they were back to being free and enjoying there stay in paris i tried to talk to him he would ignore her but she honeslty didnt care much about him beacause her needs come first before anything else. so once he leaves Adri goes to Gios room and they talk for a little and they started doing work together and Adri was helping Gio with his beacuse they had new work and once they finished they layed in Gios bed and talked a little more and decided to touch eachother private parts and they felt a connection between them whilst doing it so they decided to stop and be serious so they decided to take there minds off of sex and go shopping in the shop next door and buy each other clothes and they went to this expensive store so that Adri could look for a dark red dress and black heels for a speacial event so they walked in and Adri stayed in the changing room while Gio looked for a dress for her to wear and he found one and took it to the girls changing room he sneaked in when no one was looking and gave the dress to her and she told him to close his eyes so she could change and he couldnt help but peek through and he saw her and he stood up and started touching her slowly and she enjoyed it so much she took the dress off and they did it AGAIN on the floor of the shop and whilst they where at it people walked in and saw them doing it they were FLABBERGASTED about the fact that they saw two teens having s x in the girls changing room they went and reported them to the owner of the store and they got escorted out by the police back to there hotel and they told the teachers why they were escorted out by cops and also that they shouldnt be let out again and there not aloud to be in the shops again

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03 ⏰

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