Before I Awoke

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It was as if the air around her had turned into a thick, viscous fluid, slowing time to a crawl. Everyone else in the room seemed to move in slow motion, their faces a blur of emotions and expressions, but she could only focus on him. Her fiancé, the man she had planned to spend the rest of her life with, was locked in an intimate embrace with another woman. His lips moved against her neck, her hands tangled in his hair, and as he pulled her closer, she could see the desire in his eyes, the way he looked at her like she was the only person in the room. It was as if they were the only two people there, oblivious to everyone else around them. And then, just as she was about to retreat, to find someplace where she could process this, where she could try to understand how this had happened, how he could do this to her, he looked up and their eyes met. For a split second, she thought she saw something flicker in his gaze, a hint of regret, perhaps even guilt. But it was gone almost as soon as it had appeared, replaced by a look of determination, as if he was daring her to confront him, to call him out on his betrayal. And in that moment, she knew she couldn't turn away anymore. She had to face him, had to make him see the damage he had done. So, with a shaking hand, she reached out and took hold of his arm, her grip tight enough to make him look away from his lover and focus on her. "What the hell are you doing?" she demanded, her voice barely above a whisper, but filled with a rage and hurt that threatened to consume her completely. "What the hell do you call this?"

She felt a sudden surge of anger as she looked at him, the man she had trusted, the man she had loved. The man who had just betrayed her in the most profound way possible. And as she saw the way his features twisted in confusion, as if he were genuinely surprised that she had found out, she knew that she couldn't let him get away with it. "You can't expect me to believe this was some kind of mistake, some drunken mistake," she spat, her voice rising with every word. "I saw you, I saw the way you looked at her, the way you touched her..." Her voice trailed off, the anger making it hard for her to breathe, making it hard for her to form coherent thoughts.

She glanced around the room, taking in the shocked expressions on the faces of their friends and family. They had all seen it too, just like she had. The way he had been flirting with her all night, the way they had disappeared together for long periods of time, how they always found excuses to touch each other whenever they thought no one was looking. It had all been so obvious, and yet she had chosen to ignore it, to hope that he was better than that. But now, as she stood there, looking at the evidence before her, she couldn't deny it any longer.

She fought back the tears that threatened to spill down her cheeks, determined not to give him the satisfaction of seeing her hurt. "I'm sorry," she said, her voice barely more than a whisper. "I just need some time alone." And with that, she turned on her heel and hurried out of the room, not sure where she was going or what she was going to do next. All she knew was that she couldn't face any of them right now, couldn't face the questions or the pity in their eyes.

The night air was cool against her skin as she stepped outside, and for a moment she just stood there, trying to take in the reality of what had happened. The world around her seemed to move in slow motion, as if she were trapped in a nightmare from which she could not wake. She could still feel his arm in her grasp, the warmth of his skin against her fingers, and it was all she could do not to pull him back inside, demand answers, demand that he explain himself. But she knew that wouldn't change anything.

The cool night air did little to soothe her as she wandered aimlessly through the streets, her thoughts a jumbled mess of anger, hurt, and confusion. It was as if a part of her had died, and she didn't know how to go on without it. She found herself walking toward the outskirts of town, drawn to the darkness and the solitude like a moth to a flame. The farther she went, the more disoriented she felt, as if the world she had once known had been turned upside down and she was struggling to find her place in it.

As she walked, she couldn't help but replay the events of the night over and over in her mind, trying to make sense of what had happened. She had trusted him, had given him everything she had, and he had thrown it all back in her face. The thought of never seeing him again, of having to face her friends and family without him, was almost too much to bear. But deep down, she knew that she couldn't go back to the way things were before. The trust was gone, and she wasn't sure if it could ever be repaired.

The sky was grey, the wind was cold, and the streets were deserted. She decided to leave the venue wearing the long black coat that was purchased by her ex-fiancé at least she wanted to leave him with the slightest of warmth and class then when she stared dating him, it almost touched the ground, hiding her identity from the world. Her steps were determined, her head held high, as if she was marching towards a destiny that only she could see. And then, out of nowhere, a car came speeding around the corner, its tires squealing against the wet pavement. In a blur of metal and glass, she was thrown into the air, her body twisting and turning as if it were made of rubber. She landed with a thud on the hood of the car, her long black coat now torn and dirty. For a moment, everything went silent. The world around her seemed to stand still, as if it was waiting for her to get up and brush herself off. But she didn't move. She lay there, motionless, her eyes closed, the rain pouring down on her face. And then, slowly, almost imperceptibly, she began to move her fingers.

Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain shoot through her body, and she gasped, trying to catch her breath. She forced her eyes open, and for a moment, she couldn't believe what she was seeing. There, on the hood of the car, was her own body. It was twisted and bruised, blood seeping from a gash on her forehead, and her eyes were vacant, staring into nothingness. A wave of disbelief and terror washed over her, and she felt as if she was watching herself from somewhere else. She couldn't move, couldn't speak, couldn't even scream. All she could do was watch as the paramedics rushed over, their faces a mixture of shock and professionalism. They worked quickly, trying to stabilize her, but she knew it was too late. Her body, her life, it was all over. As the ambulance doors closed, she felt herself drifting away, leaving her physical form behind. And with that, she was gone.

But something felt different this time. There was a presence, a voice, calling to her from somewhere beyond the darkness. It was a gentle voice, warm and familiar, and it seemed to be guiding her towards a new beginning. She found herself floating through a void, a realm of pure consciousness where time and space had no meaning. She was no longer confined to her mortal body, and she felt a sense of freedom and weightlessness that she had never experienced before. The voice continued to speak to her, telling her that she would be given a second chance, a new life, a fresh start. She was to be reincarnated, and her soul would be reborn into a new body, with all the memories and lessons of her past. As the voice faded away, she felt herself begin to descend, slowly, gracefully, into the waiting embrace of the universe.

She opened her eyes, and for a moment, she couldn't quite believe what she was seeing. She was lying on a cold, stone altar, wearing a pure white dress that flowed like water around her slender form. The fabric was soft and cool against her skin, and as she sat up, she felt a sense of peace and tranquility wash over her. Around her, the air was thick with the scent of incense and burning candles, casting a warm, flickering glow across the room. She looked down at her hands, studying them with a sense of wonder, and felt a strange tingling sensation coursing through her veins. She knew, deep down, that this was not her body, but rather a temporary vessel, a gift from whatever power had brought her back from the brink of death.

She rounded a corner and found herself standing before a tall, handsome male warrior. He wore ornate armor that gleamed in the sunlight, his sword slung over his shoulder. His muscles rippled beneath his skin as he surveyed the battlefield before them. His eyes met hers, and for a moment, she felt as if time itself had slowed down. There was a depth to his gaze that she had never encountered before, a wisdom and experience that seemed to transcend his years.

"You must be the one they spoke of," he said, his voice deep and commanding. "The one who has been chosen to help us in our time of need."

She felt a shiver run down her spine at his words, and for a moment, she was torn. Part of her wanted to turn away, to return to the sanctuary of the temple and the safety of her own world. But another part of her, a part she didn't fully understand yet, compelled her forward. She stepped forward, meeting his gaze unflinchingly, and nodded. "I am here," she said simply. "Tell me what I must do."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20 ⏰

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