6th and final morning/Family photo/Equestrian promise/Back to normal

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The rooster crows at the sunrise and the ponies rubbed their eyes woke up, stretched, and yawned.

At the nursery, the Baby Mane 6 woke up and rubbed their eyes, stretched, and yawned.

"Good morning, Sunny." Said the Baby Mane 5 and Sparky.

"Good morning, guys." Said Baby Sunny Starscout.

Alphabittle knocked and opened the door.

"Good morning, my little ponies." Said Alphabittle.

"Good morning, Dada." Said Baby Misty Brightdawn.

"You ready to come downstairs and play?" Asked Alphabittle.

"Yeah, we sure can." Said the Baby Mane 6, and Sparky.

The ponies of Maretime Bay, Bridlewood, and Zephyr Heights, The Pippsqueaks, Comet, Opaline, and the dragons from the Isle of Scaly played with the Baby Mane 6, and Sparky while Losing Streak by Eels is playing.

"That was so much fun!" Said Baby Izzy Moonbow.

"Yeah, we did, Izzy." Said Elderflower.

"I'll create a cure for you guys." Said Comet.

"Ok!" Said the Baby Mane 6.

"Ok, everypony ready for a group photo?" Asked Baby Pipp Petals.

"Yeah!" Everypony and dragons said.

"Wait! Guys! I have to place the cure on the table first." Said Comet as he placed the cure in the kitchen.

"Ok, I'm ready." Said Comet.

"Ok, everypony and dragons smile." Said Alphabittle and everypony and dragons did what he said and he took the picture of himself, all the ponies, dragons, the Baby Mane 6 (Baby Sunny Starscout, Baby Izzy Moonbow, Baby Sheriff Hitch Trailblazer, Baby Pipp Petals, Baby Zipp Storm, and Baby Misty Brightdawn), and Sparky Sparkeroni.

Alphabittle printed the picture and got it in a picture frame and hung it up on a wall.

"This is perfect!" Said Comet.

"You ready to take off your diapers?" Asked Posey Bloom.

"Yeah." Said the Baby Mane 6 (Baby Sunny Starscout, Baby Izzy Moonbow, Baby Sheriff Hitch Trailblazer, Baby Pipp Petals Baby Zipp Storm, and Baby Misty Brightdawn), and Sparky Sparkeroni as they took off their diapers gave them to their friends.

Comet got the antidote in the baby bottles done.

"It would be sad to see you guys change back into adults, but you'll promise to drink the fountain of youth and turn into babies again, and we can join you by turning into babies too, by drinking the fountain of youth too?" Asked Ruby Jubilee.

"Sure. You all will, everypony." Said Baby Sheriff Hitch Trailblazer.

"Ok, then." Said Alphabittle Blossomforth.

Comet gave these baby bottle antidote to the Baby Mane 6 (Baby Sunny Starscout, Baby Izzy Moonbow, Baby Sheriff Hitch Trailblazer, Baby Pipp Petals, Baby Zipp Storm, and Baby Misty Brightdawn).

"Here you go, my little babies. Drink up." Said Comet.

"Bottoms up." Said Baby Sunny Starscout, as they drank the baby bottles, and then they start to grow bigger.

They're back to normal and their voices are normal too.

"Yes! We're back." Said the Mane 6 (Sunny Starscout, Izzy Moonbow, Sheriff Hitch Trailblazer, Pipp Petals, Zipp Storm, and Misty Brightdawn), excitedly.

"Thank you so much for taking care of us, everypony. We couldn't have done it without you." Said Pipp Petals.

"So, shall we get rid of the fountain of youth you guys found?" Asked Alphabittle Blossomforth.

"Nah. We thought of another idea." Said Sheriff Hitch Trailblazer.

They decided to move the Fountain of youth into the Crystal Brighthouse backyard for a display. In case if somepony turns into a baby, they take care of them so they won't be in trouble, or they can fun as being babies. Everypony likes that idea, except for Posey Bloom.

"No! No way! I am not going to drink that fountain!" Posey Bloom refused.

"Trust us, Posey. (Singing) You're going to like it." Pipp Petals sang.

The ponies and the dragons went back to their places and live with their normal lives in Maretime Bay, Bridlewood, Zephyr Heights, and the Isle of Scaly.

MLP MYM Chapter 7 Episode 2 Mane 6's fountain of youth discovery Part 1Where stories live. Discover now