Unexpected commotion

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As the day turns to night, you find yourself brainstorming about what to wear later. You've spent almost an hour looking in your closet for something to wear, but it still won't match up. "Stupid closet doesn't even have proper attire to wear," you cursed, even though it was your fault for not buying anything for the date.

An hour passed and you were now standing in front of the mirror all dressed up. You finally found an outfit to wear, and looking confident, you suddenly got the idea to call Hanni, "Should I call her to tell her that I am ready?" you asked yourself.

As you called Hanni, you couldn't help but imagine all the things you two would do, the excitement on your face and the beating of your heart went wild, as you call her she answered right away.

"Missed me already? Y/n?" she said with a soothing voice, you even thought to yourself how the hell did you get this girl and how you were just happy and grateful that she is a part of your life "Guess it Hanni, do I miss you or do you miss me?" you teased back earning giggle from Hanni "Well I am ready when should I pick you up?" you said because it almost 8 Pm and you were starting to get hungry.

"Maybe now, I'm done preparing and I'll wait for you at the front gate," Hanni said, as you heard that you bid farewell to Hanni and said "I'll be going now, and don't miss me too much Hanni," you said before you ended that call.

When you arrived at the location to meet Hanni, you felt a pang of excitement. "What's taking her so long, and why am I thinking about her? Am I going crazy?" you wondered to yourself.

Just as you were about to call her, you saw Hanni. She was dressed casually, which was understandable given that she was an idol and icon. "You dressed up pretty nicely, Y/n," she teased you, noticing your outfit. "Oh, shut it, Hanni. I did this so you could enjoy spending time with someone who looks sharp," you replied, to which Hanni laughed and said, "You might look sharp, but your senses are not."

"Hey stop and let's gaur," you said mocking her Australian accent"You better shut up Y/n before I gaur that face of yours into oblivion," she said as you chuckled at her.

As the two of you drove away from the condo and headed towards the night market, you couldn't resist stealing a glance at Hanni. She looked stunning in the moonlight, and you found yourself drawn to her. Just as you were trying to sneak another look, Hanni caught you in the act.

"You can stare at me as long as you want, Y/n," she said, causing you to curse yourself internally for being caught. "Stop being a tease, Hanni. I'm driving, and I don't want us to get into a car crash," you replied, chuckling to yourself.

"Well, I wouldn't mind dying if I'm with you," she said with a sly smile. You felt your face flush with heat at her words and could only manage to respond with, "Shut up, Hanni. Stop flirting with me while I'm driving."

You both arrived at the market and it was packed with people. Hanni wore a hoodie and a mask to conceal her identity, and as you walked and talked, the feeling of being with someone you loved the most was incredible, mixed with excitement and nervousness.

"Not gonna lie, I thought the weather was nice today, Y/n," Hanni said. To be honest, it was quite windy and looked like it was about to rain. "Yeah, Hanni. Wouldn't be surprised if it rained and made us all wet," you replied.

As you sat down near the boba tea stand, you asked Hanni, "Do you want some boba?" Her eyes glittered with joy as she replied, "Of course, Y/n. Who wouldn't want free boba?" You laughed at her playful demeanor.

As you went to the boba stand to buy, you saw a weird guy standing in front of Hanni, and you got that sudden feeling that the person in front of Hanni was in no good mood.

"Hey cutie, you alone?" the guy said to Hanni. "Ummm, I'm with my friend and I'm not alone," Hanni replied, annoyed by the guy. "Oh come on cutie, won't you want to spend some time with me?" the guy persisted, reaching for Hanni's wrists. But you surprised everyone by punching him.

"How about you hang out with this fist, asshole," you said as you punched him straight in the face, sending him crashing to the ground.

As the crowd gathered to see what was happening, you quickly grabbed Hanni's hand and led her away. Walking together, Hanni couldn't help but laugh. "You should have seen the look on that guy's face, Y/n. He's lucky you stepped in before I 360-kicked him into oblivion," she said. You laughed at her words, "Yeah, Hanni, that guy was a total ass. He ruined our night out," you mumbled, but Hanni heard.

"He didn't ruin it, Y/n. That punch you gave him made it more memorable, and you looked cool," Hanni said. You felt a hot flush of pride and couldn't help but blush. "You do have your ways of making me flustered, Hanni," you said, earning a playful smack on the shoulder from her.

As time passed, you and Hanni talked near the park, outside of the night market. Both of you had a few drinks, but not too much since you were driving and Hanni didn't want to drink too much either. As you talked, you checked the time and realized it was already 11 PM. You asked Hanni if she wanted to go home, but her response surprised you. "Nah, I don't have any schedule for tomorrow and I don't think Minji would mind if I spend the night out," she said.

You suggested that she call Minji to let her know that she will be spending the night out, but Hanni didn't think it was necessary. "I'll just tell Minji after I get home, and we are staying at YOUR place, Y/n. We still have a lot of catching up to do," she said. You tried to explain to her that it might not be a good idea, but she brushed it off.

And in a blink of an eye, you were now at your apartment with Hanni, playing Uno.

"Ha! I dare you to pull that Uno reverse card on me, Y/N!" she shouted in her thick Australian accent, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Try me, Hanni Pham. Try me. You can't do shit with those small hands of yours," you said, laughing so hard that tears rolled down your cheeks.

But she wasn't done yet. With lightning speed, she launched herself at you, her small hands hitting you in rapid succession. "Go to hell!" she yelled, each word punctuated by a hit. You laughed even harder, the sound echoing in the room. "Stop it, Hanni! You're tickling me," you said, gasping for breath.

Hanni stopped and looked you in the eye, a sly grin on her face. "Really? You didn't feel any pain, but you felt tickling?" she said, raising an eyebrow. Suddenly, she pinched your side, and you let out a loud yelp of pain. "Hannii, stop it!" you pleaded, but she just laughed harder, her eyes shining with glee. "I thought you only felt tickling, Y/N. Why are you screaming in pain?" she teased, her voice dripping with amusement.

As she teased you, you suddenly grabbed her and pulled her close. Both of you knew it was an awkward position, but you didn't care. "You looked cute from up here, Y/N," she said, her voice softening. You felt your face flush with warmth, and you couldn't help but smile. "You too, Hanni. You looked stunning from down here," you said, gazing up at her. She met your gaze and smiled back, her eyes sparkling with happiness.

    The two of you lay there, wrapped in each other's arms, lost in a moment you had both been waiting for. Finally, Y/n spoke up, "I've missed you, Hanni. I know I messed up in the past, and I'm sorry about it." Hanni smiled, "It's okay, Y/n. I understand you had your reasons, and I forgive you. I'm just glad you're back."

The words were like music to your ears, and the emotions became too much to handle. You pulled her even closer, hugging her tightly as if you never wanted to let go. "Let's just stay like this for a while, Hanni," you whispered. Hanni hummed in agreement, and for a few moments, all that mattered was the two of you standing there, wrapped in each other's embrace, finally reunited after so long..

Lol just you all wait till Hanni comes back home, she getting beat down by Minji fr

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