Part 7

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After dinner Vincent was walking me back to my room down the many halls. I really would have to figure this stuff out.
" Vincent, who were the people you were speaking to?"
He knew I was referring to the men he was speaking to in his little meeting.
" well they are part of my council. They help address problems and help with decision making. But of course I have the final word."
It didn't take long to get to my bedroom.
" here we are little one. Now would you like me to tuck you in?"
He had that sexy smirk on his face but his eyes showed lust. I may not be a Virgin but I wasn't gonna give it to him that easily. Sex still meant something to me.
I blushed a deep red " no I think ill be ok tonight." I turned my head to the side, not wanting to look him in the face.
Then suddenly I feel a pair of soft warm lips on my cheek.
" sleep well beautiful."
And with that he was gone.
My heart felt like it was beating so hard it might beat out of my chest.
When I walked in my closet to find nightwear, I couldn't believe the things they had in here for me.
Vincent's picking I'm guessing.
It was all lingerie. I felt very embarrassed all of a sudden. I was insecure about my body no matter how many compliments I got. I couldn't help it.
So I just decided to wear a t shirt and some fitted sweats. It was cold in the room anyways.
The kiss on my cheek replayed over and over in my head till I drifted off to sleep.
I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs.
" good morning miss, how do you feel today?"
It was Anne.
" I feel good today, thanks"
She handed me the tray of food and I dug in.
" his lordship wanted me to tell you that he will be gone for the week and will return Friday night."
I felt a rush of sadness. I missed him.
I didn't want to miss him but I did.
" where did he go?"
She handed me an iPhone 6.
" he is on a business trip. He bought this for your personal use and to get in contact with you."
I took the phone and there was already a message. It was from him.
" thank you Anne."
She smiled at me and left the room.
I opened the message and it made my heart squeeze.
" good morning my sweet Isabel. My absence is of short notice. I do apologize. I will be back Friday night and I shouldn't be to late to spend sometime with you. I miss you already.
- Your mate ~Vincent "
Now I really couldn't wait till then.
So while Vincent was gone for the week I explored the castle. I saw the ball room and I spent some time in the forest. Of course in the day time. I explored the huge library. There was so many books. I decided to spend some time reading about the ancient history of vampires and the origins of the species. I also discovered that there are other mythical creatures. Like there are werewolves and witches and other fairies. Although these fairies are nothing how people portray them. Apparently they are beautiful to the eye but are very jealous and disgusting beings. It was all so interesting to me.
I also befriended some more people. Vampires and humans here. Lucy, she's the cook. I spent a lot of time in the kitchen with her. I need to watch it though. She will be the reason I get fat.
I also met some more of the royal guard apart from Ethan like James and Luke. Luke is a werewolf. His Bloodline has served the Salvatore family since the very beginning.
It was Thursday afternoon. I discovered there was a theatre room so I made myself some popcorn, it was ridiculous to ask Lucy to do it, and began watching movies. I continued to watch comedy movies like mall cop and grown ups 1&2 till about 7. I walked down into the kitchen were the maids and a couple guards, Ethan and Luke, were at.
" oh hey I was just about to send up your food into the dinning area." Lucy said while she gathered a plates and drinks together.
"thanks but I'd rather eat here with you guys. Eating by myself is so boring."
Everyone looked at eachother and then they all smiled at me.
Luke then spoke"I like this one, she's normal"
They all burst out laughing as if they knew something I didn't.
" well cmon then we always have room"
Lucy smiled at me and set my plate next to hers.
Ethan sat on the other side of me.
I enjoyed eating with them. The entire time the kitchen was filled with smiles and laughter. Everything felt normal in my life. My mind drifted off to my best friend. Elizabeth. I missed her. So much. Tears were at the brink of falling but I quickly dismissed them. I didn't want to bring anyone's mood down.
" hey guys I'm tired, I think imma call it a night."
They all waved their good byes and I walked to my room. I didn't have trouble finding my room anymore. Ha after getting lost so many times I finally remembered where it was.
I walk into my room and it's pitch black.
I walk across the floor to turn on a lamp, keeping the door open so I could still see, when the door shuts abruptly.
I turn around quick that I almost loose balance.
The room feels like the temperature has dropped 10 degrees.
I start to shake and my breathing becomes unsteady
" ummm hello..."
I hear a low growl behind me.
Oh god.
I turn around and I meet a pair of red eyes.
It may be dark but I still know where the door is.
I bolt for the door and the beast slams pins me up against the door. I hear him chuckle. I know who it is.
" now where do you think your going, my little one?"

Hey guys :)
Comment please. Tell me what you guys think
Till next time (:

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