Part 6 love is a open door

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Everyone gathers into the ballroom and people dance to music once the dance is over a servant starts talking "king Zayn of Arendelle" Zayn walks up and stands at the front of the ballroom "prince Harry of Arendelle" Harry runs out and waves but the servant moves him to stand next to Zayn Harry give him and Zayn a little space between then after being a little to close to him everyone claps Zayn then looks over at Harry and sees him nervously fidgeting "hi" Harry looks at him "hi hi me" he points to himself Zayn nods "oh uh hi" "you look handsome" "thank you you look handsomer or well more handsome" Zayn just smiles at him "thank you so this is what a party looks like" "it's warmer then I thought" "what is that amazing smell" they both sniff the air then turn to each other "chocolate" they say together then laugh

Harry was about to say something when the same servant specks up "your majesty's the Duke of weaseltown" "weselton Duke of weselton your majesty as your closet partner in trade it seems only fitting that I offer your first dance as king" Simon than does some odd dance moves then bows Zayn clears his throat "thank you only I don't dance" Simon looks a bit disappointed "but my brother dose" Zayn says pointing at at Harry harry just laughs but Simon takes his arm and drags him to the dance floor "sorry" Zayn says to Harry 

Harry starts dancing with the duke "like an agile peacock" Simon backs bird noises but then steps on Harry's foot "ouch ow" but Harry tries to keep dancing "speacking of so great to have the gates open why did they shut them in the first place do you know the reason" Simon asks Harry get all up in his face "no" Harry says "no alright hang on" Simon deeps Harry Zayn laughs at Harry then the duke starts dancing again "like a chicken with the face of a monkey" and then it's over Harry walks back up to Zayn "well he was sprightly" "especially for a man in heels" Harry rubs the foot that got stepped on 

"Are you ok" "I've never been better this is so nice I wish it could be like this all the time" Harry say Zayn smiles at him "me too" but then Zayn loses his smile when he remembers why the gates closed "but it can't" "why not I mean" "it just can't" Zayn says turning away from Harry "excuse me a moment" Harry says Zayn watches as Harry walks away sadly Harry start's walking through the crowd but trips and almost falls on the floor but someone crabs his hand "glad I caught you" nick says "nick" Harry says smile they then start dancing and talking soon they are sitting on a balcony 

"Wait so you have how many brothers" "12 older brothers 3 of them pretend I was invisible literally for 2 years" "that's horrible" "it's what brothers do" "I know Zayn and I were really close when we were little but then one he just shut me out and I never knew why" "I would never shut you out" Harry looks at him "ok can I just say something crazy" "I love crazy" 

All my life has been a series of doors in my face and then 

Suddenly I bump into you 

"I was thinking the same thing cause like 

I've been searching my whole life to find my own place 

And maybe it's the party talking or the chocolate fondue 

But with you 

But with you 

I found my place 

I see your face 

And t's nothing like I've ever known before 

Love is a open door 

Love is open door 

Love is a open door with you with you with you 

Love is a open door 

Harry and nick hid from the guard for sliding on the floor then they sit on the roof nick turns to harry 

You know it's crazy 


We finish each others 


That's what I was going say 

"I've never met someone who thinks so much like me 

Jinx jinx again 

Or mental sychronization can't have but one explanation 

You and I are just meant to be 

Say goodbye 

Say goodbye 

To the pain of the past we don't have to feel it anymore 

Love is a open door 

Love is an open door 

They are now on a rock in between a water fall they make a heart with their hands in front of the moon 

Life can be so much more with you with you with you 

Love is a open door 

"Can I say something crazy will you marry me" "can I say something even crazier yes" 

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