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The bookshop was quiet, that is until the silence is broken by a loud gasp that really sounded more like a shriek. Startled, Crowley rolls off the sofa he was sprawled on. Then he scrambles to his feet and rushes to Aziraphale's office where the noise came from.

"Angel, what's wrong?! Something happened?" Crowley asked, looking around for potential danger.

"Oh, Crowley, it's awful, simply awful!" Aziraphale whimpered.

"What, Aziraphale, what happened!?" Crowley asked his partner, grabbing the angel's shoulders.

"Someone has bent the corners of several pages in this book!" Aziraphale explained, showing the book he recently purchased from an estate sale.

Crowley wasn't sure if he should feel relieved that Aziraphale wasn't in danger, angry that Aziraphale made him worried over something so small, or sympathy for his angel who is upset. He decided to go with sympathy, because Aziraphale's books are important to him and it would be really sh*tty of him to belittle his partner's feelings. But, not knowing what to say at the moment, Crowley just goes with a good old fashioned comforting hug.

"How could someone be so.....reckless and....disrespectful!" Aziraphale huffed.

Now that the shock had worn off, Aziraphale was starting to get pissed.

"Who in their right mind thinks it's okay to deface a book like that. Just look at the awful creases marring the pages! And it's a bloody first edition too!" Aziraphale ranted, pacing around in circles.

His face was beginning to turn red from anger as he continued to pace and mutter about proper ways to care for books. Crowley tried very hard not gush over how cute Aziraphale looked when he was angry.

"I mean there are so many things one could use as a bookmark! For example: a scrap of paper or fabric, a piece of ribbon, perhaps some yarn. For goodness sake, a feather or a leaf would have sufficed!" Aziraphale ranted on some more, throwing his hands up in the air.

"I once saw a young lady use the receipt from the purchase of a book as a bookmark." Crowley added.

"Oh, that's actually quite clever." Aziraphale replied, his tone softening.

Aziraphale still looked pretty upset, glaring down at the book filled with dog-eared pages with an angry pout.

"Would you like some tea, Angel? Or maybe some cocoa?" Crowley suggested, knowing just the perfect trick to calming his angel.

"Cocoa would be wonderful right now, thank you, dear." Aziraphale nodded.

"My pleasure, love." Crowley hummed, pressing a kiss to Aziraphale's cheek.

He makes Aziraphale's cocoa the human way instead of using a miracle because Aziraphale insists that miracled cocoa doesn't taste as well as handmade cocoa. Crowley finds Aziraphale in the room where he had been laying on the sofa, sitting in his favorite chair.

"Oh, thank you so much, my dearest. This is just what I need right now." Aziraphale thanked his partner when Crowley gently set the mug in his hands.

The angel melts on the spot at the first sip of his cocoa, with that contented groan that he doesn't realize sounds sexy.

"F**k, Angel, there's no way you're not doing that on bloody purpose." Crowley thought, biting his lip.

He makes himself comfortable in Aziraphale's lap, his legs dangling over the arm of the chair. Chocolate and marshmallows is what Crowley tastes when he kisses his angel and he savours the flavor on his tongue.

"Feel better, my love?" Crowley asked, dropping his head onto Aziraphale's shoulder.

"Yes, my dear." Aziraphale said smiling then kisses his demon's forehead.

"Sorry I got so agitated earlier." he apologized.

"It's alright, Angel. You're just passionate about your books, I like that about you. It's no different from when I scream at people who feed ducks bread." Crowley replied.

"Besides, you looked a little angry kitten." he chuckled.

Crowley snaps his fingers, performing a little miracle.

"What did you do, dear?" Aziraphale asked him.

"I fixed your book, got rid of those nasty little creases that nasty little human, who had it before you, put there." Crowley mumbled, softly kissing along Aziraphale's jaw and cheek.

"What has got you so affectionate right now? Not that I'm complaining." Aziraphale asked, reveling in his demon's kisses.

"Nothin' much." Crowley said fiddling with Aziraphale's bow tie, trying to untie it.

The thing about knowing someone for 6,000 years is that you would know each other's body language very well. And Aziraphale knew exactly what was making Crowley so clingy right now.

"Could the reason be perhaps that my screams of shock earlier had worried you? Made you think I was in danger? Or hurt?" Aziraphale questioned, taking another sip of his cocoa.

Crowley grunts out a distinct grumble that gives away that Aziraphale was correct in his assumption.

"Hmm, well then, I guess I'll have to repay you for taking such good care of me by taking care of you." Aziraphale stated.

"After I finish the lovely cocoa you made, of course." he added, with a smirk that was a bit too devilish to be on the face of an angel.

And when the cocoa was finished, Aziraphale did just as he promised.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26 ⏰

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