
10 1 4

After all of the lessons later, both Lukas and Clock decided to head to Lukas' place to hang out and possibly get Clock better at chemistry. As they enter Lukas' bedroom, Clock sits on Lukas' bed. "So do we study for chemistry?" Clock asks with a tired tone. Lukas notices the tone change and shakes his head, "We should do something else, you seem tired based on your tone.". Clock nods slightly before looking at the window, "Could you open the window, please?"

"Why not take off your hoodie?" Lukas asks quietly as Clock looks at him.

"I don't want to lose it again."

"You won't lose it, I'll text you if you forget it here." Lukas says as he patted Clock on the shoulder. Clock thinks for a moment before taking it's hoodie off, revealing a neck tank top on it. Once Clock puts away it's hoodie, Lukas sits on the bed and leans against the wall. Lukas points for Clock to sit on his lap. Clock blushes at this, they've only known each other for a few days and he is already so straightfoward with this... either way, Clock crawls on Lukas lap. Lukas cups Clock's face with his hands and pulls it closer to his face, eventually placing his lips on it's lips before pulling away.

Clock becomes red, this was so unexpected for it. Clock just places it's head under Lukas' chin and rests on top of him. Lukas keeps his hands rested on Clock's waist. "Haha, I guess you needed this."

"I truly did..." Clock said as it closed it's eyes.


I'll leave it just like that since my head hurts and I'm soon going to bed !! 😊
Extras since this chapter is so short (Not main part of the story!!):

Suddenly, Clock felt something under it's crotch, like something rose or something. Clock immediatly realises what it is and slowly looks at Lukas, who is a blushing mess. "Are you horny?" Clock asked with a flustered tone and Lukas nods. "Ahah..." Lukas says quietly as he began stroking Clock's back slowly.
I'll leave it like that and yeah...

word count: 357

@teachatte ... 😊😊Where stories live. Discover now