Chapter 1

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It all started as my normal day, me getting up and getting dressed then straighten my hair and head off to school. I was known as the shy girl of the school which was fine by me. Once I got to school, I just moved here from England so I was kinda a loner. I got to my class early so that I didn't have to worry about getting starred at me sense it was my first day, all the kids started to come in once the one minute bell rang. I put my head down so that I wouldn't get noticed that much which kinda worked till this one girl sat by me and just started trying to talk to me but I didn't reply. I was just trying to pay attention to the teach it was about 5 minutes till bell and the teach had to put us in partners and we had to do this write a scary story project so I was waiting on my name to be called she said Mya you will be pared with Kayla. Mya raised her hand and said who's Kayla, the teacher pointed to me but I didn't look up all the way the girl I just met smiled when she found out my name then the bell rang and I walked/ran out of the class. When I finally got to second period I sat there waiting for class to start, when the door suddenly opened revealing a handsome boy walking in to the class i grabbed my sketch book and started to draw when the bell started to ring people rushed in and everyone had their own group with my just sitting there drawling . Once class started everyone shut up and was listening now and again I would look at that boy and started drawling him the bell rang I hurried out of class having my sketch book in hand.
Third period was about to begin when there was a sudden scream it made me shoot up, I was about to rush over there when there was a sudden pain in my head it hurt like hell and I had to bite my tongue so that I didn't scream I didn't know what was happening.
Then there were these flashes that looked like memories go through my head. When it was all over I was clearing my vision only to notice that I was in the woods and not in my class room I looked around trying to find some way to tell where I was, while I was looking around I saw a pair of red eyes they walked out of the shadows only to be followed by at least six more and they all circled me.
I tried asking who they were but the words just wouldn't come out after sitting there for about two minutes one of them finally said something "are you sure she's the one that started the shock in the vampire realm". once I was finally able to talk I yelled " who the hell are you guys and why the hell do u want me!!?" one of them spoke up and said "sorry I didn't notice we didn't introduce ourselves I'm chase the one on the right of me is Baden the on my left is jase the one a crossed from me is dean the one to his left is his mate Jessica and the one on his right was James now that you know us can you tell us your name". I stood up and looked at all of them then back at chase and said "Kayla my name is Kayla now can you tell me why you want me?". another one of them spoke and I believe he was jase saying "the reason we have you here is the prince had a flash that you were going to change and told us to go get you so we did as we were told".
"then where is this prince that you all worship?" I said. "I'm right here" I heard someone say. I looked around but saw no one when I stopped he popped in front of me and I about screamed when he put is hand over my mouth. when I got a better look at him I noticed he was the cute/ hot guy in my third period class. "ok what are they talking about I changed", as looked i looked at him, he looked at me and still wasn't saying a word. I was starting to get irritated and he saw that I was but just smirked. "why the hell are you not saying anything now" I say. "hey watch how you talk to the prince" one of the guys said. "its ok guys she's new to all this" he said.
He finally spoke up and said what they meant by 'you have changed into your true form' "and what would my true form be might I ask?" I ask.
He looked at me and said "have you not seen yourself yet have you?". I shook my head and he handed me a mirror as to why he had a mirror on him I don't know and I frankly don't care. When I looked in the mirror I saw a totally different person she had black hair with blue stripes and purple eyes.
who I saw I didn't know but it sure was not the old me. They just looked at me waiting for my response and my response was not what they expected by the look on their faces. "What the fuck did you guys do to me?" I said. After waiting for five minutes the prince finally spoke up, "we did nothing, this is your true self that was locked away and should by the legend never come back out". "Then why the hell did it?" I said me getting more angrier by the minute.
"It came out cause when you hear that cry of fear it also had the smell of blood and somehow your vampire broke out" said Braden.
"Well that's good to know now here's the real question where the hell am I and what are you going to do with me?" I ask.
Chase finally started to talk saying you are in the moonshine forest and we are going to have to keep you here in the vampire realm
Right when I heard those words I blow up. "Ok for one I and not staying here! I am eighteen and this is my last year of high school I am not missing it and if you think you can change my mind you are mistaken, now if I can go back to my normal life there is going to be 4 be headed vampires in about 5 minutes now what is it going to take for you dumb asses to let me go back to my normal life!?" I say.
Everyone looked at me and had fear in their eyes. The prince spoke up and for some weird reason he was looking straight in my eyes and then he said something very weird,
"I've never seen such red eyes they look like the very rare blood rose"

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